33 Blog Examples to Inspire Your Next Blog Post (2024)

Whether you are looking to start a new blog or looking for some ideas on what to write your next blog post about, it’s always a great idea to look around and be inspired by some of the great blog examples that might exist in your niche and even outside of it.

By checking out some blog examples of bloggers who have been there and done that, I hope to inspire you to keep blogging and find your own unique way of innovating your own blogging to capture a larger audience and more website traffic.

The Importance of Finding Inspiration for Blog Posts

As bloggers, sometimes we run out of steam and don’t feel inspired to write anything.

But as you build a community, your readers will expect regular updates from you.

Also, you need to build a library of high-quality content to be recognized by search engines.

So, whenever you need inspiration, it should be as easy as looking at other blogs in your niche – or related niches – for ideas on what to write about.

This post will give you examples of blogs to go to for inspiration for. I will cover 11 popular niches with 3 recommended blogs from each.

Keep reading for some serious blogging inspiration!

Examples of Food Blogs

If you are a chef by profession or simply have a passion for cooking, you can put your skills to good use by starting a food blog. Food blogs are a popular trend today, as more and more people are interested in learning how to cook. Here are some examples of successful food blogs to help you get started.

Minimalist Baker

33 Blog Examples to Inspire Your Next Blog Post (1)

Minimalist Baker is a one-stop shop full of simple yet fast recipes that you can do at home. This food blog site shows how cooking can be done easily by using simple recipes and cooking equipment. Additionally, its search index is unlike any other food blog out there. It comes with different filters so that you can search through many recipes in one click.

As you can see, “simplicity” is a great angle that you can take for any topic you would want to blog about.

Cookie & Kate

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Everybody loves cookies but don’t be fooled by the name of this blog site. Cookie & Kate is a food blog that showcases fresh, vegetarian recipes. Partnered with Kate’s dog partner, Cookie, they love to cook real, whole food – from breakfast greens to their dinner favorites. It’s a you-can-have-it-all food blog that is jam-packed with all kinds of recipes.

Note how memorable and seemingly non-branded the blog name is. Remember, so long as you have a story behind your blog name that is aligned with your niche, you can also create a memorable blog that will attract fans.

Smitten Kitchen

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Smitten Kitchen is an award-winning blog that showcases the extraordinary recipes of Deb. Most of her recipes are written in an easy-to-prepare manner that is suited for beginners. Her site comes with a helpful “Suprise Me!” feature that you can utilize whenever you don’t know yet what to cook.

Smitten Kitchen is a great reminder that you can build out your own niche by keeping it simple.

Examples of Fitness Blogs

Fitness blogs are one of the most popular topics online. Some are specifically for women, while others are for men. Still others focus on a specific niche, such as weight loss, bodybuilding, or running. If you want to start a fitness blog, you should start by finding ways to inspire people to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can do this by sharing your own fitness journey, providing tips and advice, and interviewing experts in the field. To get some ideas, let’s take a look at some successful fitness blogs.

Nerd Fitness

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Nerd Fitness has been running for more than a decade, helping fitness nerds to live a healthy lifestyle. A nice thing about Nerd Fitness is that they don’t have ads, and currently, they are offering online fitness programs with their easy-to-manage app. This site is led by Jim Bathurst with his team of 25 members, working towards personal fitness coaching.

There are so many things bloggers can learn from Nerd Fitness, including:

  1. How to niche down by bringing together two types of seemingly unrelated topics
  2. Creating something bigger than a blog (a “rebellion”) to encourage people to join their community with an infectious call to action

Fit Bottomed Girls

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Fit Bottomed Girls are exclusively made for women willing to get in touch with positive fitness vibes. Founded by respectable fitness professionals Jen and Kris, this blog shows different workout routines to help shape the body. Other than that, their site comes with a user-friendly search system with four main categories that have a specific color label.

What I love about this blog is that it has four specific “lanes” or categories which define every single post, to the point that they are color-coded and part of their main menu. While you could argue that each color represents a specific niche, this is a classic example of how to weave several niches into one blog.

Ben Greenfield Life

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While there are many fitness blogs out there, there is only one Ben Greenfield Life. This blog goes beyond its niche by realizing that fitness is achieved through optimization of mind and spirit together with body. What’s best about this fitness blog is that you can find a comprehensive approach to fitness and wellness in just a single page with his Ben Recommends – starting from digital services to healthcare products.

This blog is a reminder that your niche is how YOU define it to be!

Examples of Finance Blogs

Many of us are not financially stable. That’s where finance blogs come in. These blogs can help people make financially informed decisions, such as spending less and saving more. Finance blogs can be a great way to share your knowledge and experience with others, and they can also be a great way to make money.

Mr Money Mustache

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Mr Money Mustache is written from the perspective of a thirtysomething retiree who teaches “financial freedom through badassity.” The founder has gone through a lot to share his secrets about living life on a tight budget, but he has livened up the subject with interesting blog titles such as “The Practical Benefits of Outrageous Optimism” and “Predictably Irrational”. The blog itself is an interactive site that mimics a bulletin board and even has a “Random” button to make reading interesting and fun.

Who says you can’t have fun blogging, even if it is a seemingly serious niche like finance?

Fun Cheap or Free

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Fun Cheap or Free is a blog that features good deals on how to run an awesome life with any budget. This blog runs through a variety of helpful topics, not just about money but also about living happily. While “budgeting” is a category that is true to be finance, this blog also covers productivity, food, and lifestyle.

This blog is a great example of using one niche (finance) as a centerpiece to talk about other related niches in a natural way.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

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Created by a renowned author, Ramit Sethi, I Will Teach You To Be Rich is a blog that provides insights about finance, career, and business. The blog is suited for audiences who seek to advance their professional careers, including a generous amount of content about building and running your own business.

This third example of a finance blog shows that you do not be limited as to what blog about in your niche, because every niche has the potential to encompass a wide variety of topics.

Examples of Fashion Blogs

Fashion blogs typically cover fashion trends, styles, and recommendations. What makes fashion blogging an interesting niche is that you can focus on a specific audience. To help you get started, here are some examples of fashion blogs you can learn from.


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Dappered is a site that is made to cater to all men through its motto of “affordable men’s style.” It is a fashion blog focused on giving men a chance to be comfortable, look sharp, and most importantly save money by “working” the retail system. From reviews to “style scenarios” to updates on the latest deals, Dappered has carved a strong niche in men’s fashion blogs.

By blogging about deals, reviews, and having its own “essential shops,” Dappered has made itself easy to monetize by design, something that we can all be inspired from!

Sincerely Jules

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Created way back in 2009, Jules initiated her site with inspirational posts. Today, she is even more famous for sharing her fashion ideas and has become one of the trending fashion influencers in the industry. Her blog showcases the diversity of the fashion industry by including blog articles on different fashion ideas and more. Additionally, their blog site contains a clean layout with high-quality pictures that makes it more engaging for the readers.

If you are looking for design inspiration for your blog, look no further! The user experience of reading Jule’s (Julie’s) blog feels like you are reading a luxury fashion magazine.

Color Me Courtney

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Living in New York City, Courtney started her blog site “Color Me Courtney” with flying colors. Her insights in the fashion and makeup industry are commendable. With numerous tutorials on make-up, partnered with a colorful blend of customed-themes and quick links on her site, you will be right away immersed in her outgoing personality and love for fashion – and color. Her Instagram shop is also featured on the blog site, with lots of merch on sale.

If you’re looking to differentiate the look and feel of your site, Courtney will teach you how fashionable it can be to be BOLD with your colors!

Examples of Education Blogs

Blogs don’t have to be just a hobby. If you have expertise and passion for education, why not start a professional blog for teachers? Teachers are one of the most important professions in the world, and they are always looking for new ideas and strategies to help their students learn. Your blog could provide them with valuable insights and resources.

One Stop Teacher Shop

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One Stop Teacher Shop is a blog site owned by a former educator, Kristin. She provides teachers with ideas and resources to help make it easier for them in their classrooms. Her blog covers a wide range of topics that are crucial to supporting teachers, including math, reading, writing, science, and technology. The blog also offers a “freebie vault” of free resources, such as printables, lesson plans, and activities.

Kristin’s approach to providing lots of freebies is something that any blogger can emulate for their own niche in order to build community and an email list.

Ann Michaelson

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Ann Michaelson is an educational blog site that integrates digital learning into education, showing teachers how to use technology to transform the way we learn. Here you can find a wide array of things that can be useful to every educator around the globe, but her strength is in helping teachers better utilize technology. For that reason, her blog covers a unique range of topics which include digital literacy and news on AI for teachers.

As we have seen with other niches, Ann takes a specific perspective within her niche all about technology. This is a tactic that can be useful to clearly differentiate your blog from all of the others in your niche.

The Friendly Teacher

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The Friendly Teacher is a blog for teachers that provides teaching resources, lesson plans, and ideas. The blog is written by Hannah, a teacher with over 10 years of experience. Her goal is to help teachers create a positive and engaging learning environment for their students.

Hannah’s blog is a great example of how someone can utilize a blog to help supplement the monetization of a 3rd party site, which in this case is Teachers Pay Teachers. Not only is there a prominent link to her TPT store, but you can also buy some things directly on her site as well.

Examples of Travel Blogs

If you love to travel, consider starting a travel blog. You can share your personal stories, photos, and videos of your travels with the world. This is a great way to connect with other travelers and inspire others to explore new places.

Wandering Earl

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From the journey to the beyond, the Wandering Earl blog site shows how traveling can be made fun and, in a way, realistic. With the founder’s decade years of experience, Derek Earl shares his personal story and insight into every travel he has made. You can get numerous tips from him – from pieces of advice, travel gear, and inspirational travel stories. An interesting thing about his site is that he shows his real-time location with every country that he visited. His audiences can even see a glimpse of where he is at today.

Wandering Earl is a great example of the passion that bloggers should have, that this is their life and they are sharing their entire story with you. It is a great mindset that every blogger should strive to achieve!

Nomadic Matt

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Nomadic Matt is for travel nomads with a tight budget. The site has helped millions of travelers around the globe with its travel tips and tricks. It also features many destination guides and in-depth analysis of every tourist spot. The blog is written by Matt Kepnes, who has been traveling the world for over 15 years.

This website is unique in that it contains a big banner with a search bar with quick links where you can look up any content you want to search and travel for. He also includes popular searches underneath the search to literally guide people towards their next destination. This is a great way to look at a blog, to build up a library of content that could satisfy whatever people search for on your topic.

The Poor Traveler

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Don’t get confused with the “poor” here. It is just sarcastically saying to be wise when traveling. The blog is written by Vins and Yosh, two travel enthusiasts who have been traveling the world for over 10 years. They aim to tell you how to travel wisely by providing free travel guides for their misadventures. By learning from their mistakes upon traveling, they came up with a blog site that teaches everybody how to plan a trip the right way. You can also find some sample DIY itineraries and food recommendations.

The authenticity of Vins and Yosh, sharing their failures, makes their content extremely attractive. This type of authenticity is often talked about in social media, but the same applies to blogging!

Examples of Sustainability Blogs

Sustainability is not just a trend; it is a reality and challenge that we all face to keep our planet a livable place. Changing the world in a sustainable way is essential for our future. Starting a blog about sustainability can inspire others and make a positive impact on the global scale. Below are some examples of sustainability blogs that can inspire you.

Sustainably Chic

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Sustainably Chic is an online hub for those that love fashion and beauty but also want to pursue a sustainable lifestyle. It all started from the site owner’s love for fashion, and she eventually went full-time after more than a year. The blog features articles, interviews, and reviews on sustainable brands, products, and practices.

Who says sustainability can’t be stylish? Once again, even if you narrow down your blog to a specific niche, you still have a lot of creative freedom to work with!

Going Zero Waste

33 Blog Examples to Inspire Your Next Blog Post (20)

Going Zero Waste stays true to its name by showing you how to start advocating for a zero-waste lifestyle. The site is dedicated to helping people to reduce waste in all areas of your life, from your home to your work to your travel. The goal of Going Zero Waste is to help people make a difference for the planet, one step at a time.

Once again, while sustainability seems like its own niche, a look at the menu of this blog shows that like any other niche, there are intersections with many other niches such as lifestyle, fashion & beauty, home, food and self-care.


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Founded in 2004 with more than a hundred expert writers, Treehugger is the modern-age sustainability website that you can trust. It covers a wide array of topics about environmental sustainability and green living. From advice on reducing your carbon footprint to eating less meat, Treehugger exists to help people make a difference for the planet.

Treehugger is an example of a successful blog that exists from the contributions of 175 expert writers. If there are experts who wish to guest blog for you, figure out a way to incorporate them as part of your blogging strategy. Download my free ebook here for more advice!

Further Reading: The 11 Best Ways Bloggers Can Get Paid $$$

Examples of DIY Blogs

DIY, or “do-it-yourself,” blogs cover a wide range of topics, such as home improvement, room makeovers, interior design, and more. If you enjoy making things from scratch or completing projects on a budget, starting a DIY blog is a great option. Sharing your skills with others can help you attract readers and engage them with your work. Here are some examples of DIY blogs to get you started.

A Girl’s Guide to Home DIY

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A Girl’s Guide To Home DIY is a blog site that helps women to learn more about how to do home improvement projects, from painting a room to building a piece of furniture. This is a go-to resource that provides step-by-step instructions and tutorial to empower women by showing them how home improvement can be done easily. The site is filled with different projects – from home DIY to home decor to new construction.

Don’t be afraid to be an outlier if you are passionate about a subject and blog about something that might not seem a popular perspective. Blog and through the power of search engines your tribe WILL find you!

DIY Beautify

33 Blog Examples to Inspire Your Next Blog Post (23)

DIY Beautify is a blog site that focuses more on creating a beautiful home and unique home décor pieces on a budget. Flooded with different kind of projects and crafts, this site features projects for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. The site showcases different categories you can choose from with numerous ways to makeover your living space in easy to understand tutorials as well as inspiration for all of your DIY home projects.

The juxtaposition of DIY with beauty seems like a difficult combination to blog about, but once again with creativity and passion anything is possible when it comes to blogging!

City Girl Meets Farm Boy

33 Blog Examples to Inspire Your Next Blog Post (24)

City Girl Meets Farm Boy is a budget-friendly DIY blog site that features DIY and home improvement projects for every room in your home. The blog gets its name from the pair who run it, a California city girl who married a Montana farm boy. The goal of the site is to inspire and encourage others to live a creative and stylish life, no matter where they live.

Does your blog have a story about its origins that you can tap into and make part of your brand? You can imagine how easy that can become your north star, providing you focus for all of your blogging to come.

Further Reading: 13 Definitive Blog Post Templates to Inspire Your Blogging

Examples of Home Decor Blogs

Improving your home with home decor is a fun and rewarding experience. Home decor blogs provide readers with ideas on how to use home decor to enhance every corner of their home, making their living spaces more comfortable and stylish. Below are some examples of home decor blogs that offer great tips and tricks.

Young House Love

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Young House Love is a famous home decor blog that has been running for more than a decade. The site is filled with thousands of DIY projects as well as advice on home décor and even family life. The blog is written by John and Sherry Petersik, a husband-and-wife team who are passionate about all things home. What’s interesting about this blog is that the owners show the progress of every DIY project they have done – from start to finish.

This blog is a home decor blog that also weaves in heartwarming stories about family. If you can share your own personal stories in your blog, it can only create a deeper emotional connection with your readers.

IKEA Hackers

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IKEA Hackers was founded by Jules Yap, an IKEA fanatic. She wanted to create a community where people could share their ideas for customizing IKEA furniture. The blog now has a global community of readers and contributors who share their hacks and ideas. IKEA Hackers is a great resource for inspiration and ideas for anyone who wants to give their IKEA furniture a makeover.

Perhaps you have a unique passion that others share as well? I am sure Jules had no way of knowing what a global phenomenon her blog would become. Perhaps yours is next!

Beneath My Heart

33 Blog Examples to Inspire Your Next Blog Post (27)

Beneath My Heart is a blog about homemaking, DIY projects, faith, and family. It covers three main categories, which are All Things Faith, Family, and Love. The blog is written by a woman named Tricia Levenseller, who shares her passion for all things home. Featuring projects, recipes, and stories, this is a blog that truly inspire readers to create a beautiful and welcoming home.

The passion of this blogger is absolutely infectious: “Sharing my life with you makes me happy!” We can all learn a thing or two from that statement!

Further Reading: 11 Best Practices to Create the Perfect Blog Post Format

Examples of Parenting Blogs

So long as we create and raise families, there will always be a need for parenting blogs. Parenting blogs offer advice, tips, and support to parents on a variety of topics, such as child development, discipline, and education. Parenting blogs can be a great resource for parents who are looking for information and support. They can also be a great way to connect with other parents and share experiences.

Scary Mommy

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Scary Mommy is a blog for mothers who are looking for support, humor, and inspiration. The blog features articles, videos, and podcasts that address the challenges and joys of motherhood. Scary Mommy is a place where mothers can come together to share their stories, connect with others, and feel less alone.

This blog is an example of tapping into an emotion that a lot of us have but don’t necessarily voice. Become the voice through your blog and followers you shall gain.

The Busy Toddler

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Busy Toddler is a blog that is filled with fun activities for your toddlers. It features more of the things you need to give your child a fun-filled adventure in their toddler years. Featuring activities, crafts, recipes, and parenting tips, this blog will help you keep your toddlers engaged and learning. The site is unimaginably colorful, and that is what makes it exciting for kids to look at, too.

This blog is a unique example of a branded user interface that is aligned with their niche. You can almost feel those ABC wooden letter blocks that a lot of the colors seem to be inspired by.

We The Parents

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We The Parents is a blog for parents that provides straightforward, relatable, and useful content of the highest quality and is filled with advice and tips coming from different parents around the globe. Starting from birth to playing with the kids to managing teenagers, WeTheParents is warmly inclusive of all parents, all children, and all families.

By looking at the home page, I am assuming that this blog is leaning into those topics for which it has authority or feel they have a competitive advantage blogging about. These include how to “activate” kids, parenting science, babywearing support, and beautiful baby names. You don’t have to cover everything about your niche, only those topics that make sense to you from an SEO and/or monetizing perspective.

Further Reading: What the Kardashians Taught Me About Creating a Killer Blog

Examples of Self-Improvement Blogs

Self-improvement blogs are becoming increasingly popular in today’s society, as people are looking for ways to manage stress, improve their mental health, and develop themselves personally. These blogs offer readers insights into the deeper aspects of human nature, as well as practical advice on how to improve their lives. If you are passionate about helping others and want to share your knowledge and expertise, starting a self-improvement blog is a great way to do so. Below are some examples of successful self-improvement blogs to get you started.

Mark Manson

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Mark Manson offers more on the personal development side without the unnecessary nonsense. The blog’s articles are mostly generated in a long form which has an unconventional and distinctive frank tone that is interesting to read. His writing is often raw and honest, and he doesn’t shy away from difficult topics. Manson’s blog is a great place to find inspiration and motivation, and to learn how to live a more fulfilling life.

Mark Manson’s blog is an example of being yourself. Don’t just copy what everybody else in your niche does. Lean into your own unique voice and blogging style.

Universe of Memory

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The Universe of Memory is a blog about memory improvement, language learning, and productivity. The blog is written by Bartosz Czekala, a memory expert and polyglot. Czekala shares his knowledge and experience on how to improve your memory, learn languages faster, and be more productive.

This blog is a reminder that if you are an expert in something, there is an audience for your content.

Tiny Buddha

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Tiny Buddha is a blog that offers more on the wisdom side than any other blog site out there. The site focuses on your well-being, on finding happiness and peace in everyday life covering topics such as mindfulness, gratitude, relationships, and self-care. It also features journals that can help anyone get through anything. One great addition of Tiny Buddha is its forum. There, you can find inspirational stories from people around the world.

Does your blog have a forum? Tiny Buddha provides a great example of how to integrate them to become an integral part of your blog.

Further Reading: Blogging for Beginners Tips: 5 Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE Starting a WordPress Blog!


Now that you’ve read this far, it’s time to start creating your own blog posts! Get inspired by the examples above and start brainstorming ideas for your first successful blog or the next chapter in your blogging journey.

Remember, blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time and effort to build a successful blog. But if you’re passionate about your topic and you’re willing to put in the work, you can achieve anything.

Good luck with your blogging journey!

Hero photo by nine koepfer on Unsplash

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33 Blog Examples to Inspire Your Next Blog Post (2024)


What are examples of blog posts? ›

Examples of blog posts include beauty product recommendations, travel and vacation trip reviews, and personal blog posts.

How do you write an inspirational blog? ›

Tips for motivational blog writing
  1. Make your title stand out. ...
  2. Don't shy away from debate. ...
  3. Be personal (if it's appropriate) ...
  4. Pair with strong visuals. ...
  5. Format for readability. ...
  6. Seek consent. ...
  7. Write to your audience. ...
  8. Be upbeat!
Mar 8, 2023

What are the 7 steps to write an awesome blog post? ›

7 steps to creating a blog post
  1. Research. Researching isn't just Googling, "what should I write a blog about?" The first step to a blog is to figure out what your audience is Googling. ...
  2. Determine your keywords. Keywords are important. ...
  3. Create an outline. ...
  4. Write it out. ...
  5. Include Add-ins. ...
  6. Edit and finalize. ...
  7. Promote your blog.
Mar 4, 2020

What is the most popular blog content? ›

  1. Food blogs. Food blogs come in several flavors. ...
  2. Travel blogs. Before planning a trip, we tend to do a lot of research on both Google and social media. ...
  3. Health and fitness blogs. ...
  4. Lifestyle blogs. ...
  5. Fashion and beauty blogs. ...
  6. Photography blogs. ...
  7. Personal blogs. ...
  8. DIY craft blogs.

How do you write a catchy blog post? ›

  1. Making a blog post catchy and interesting involves several key elements:
  2. 1> Create an Intriguing Title: Your title is the first thing readers see, so it needs to grab their attention. ...
  3. 2> Know Your Audience: Understand who your audience is and what they're interested in. ...
  4. 3> Tell a Story: People love stories.
Mar 5, 2023

What makes the best blog post? ›

Great blog posts answer readers' questions as quickly and simply as possible, and your headings and subheadings can help accomplish that. Think of them as a continuation of the main idea of your post — use your subheaders to include keywords and topics that naturally follow your main topic and keyword.

What should a good blog look like? ›

Elements of blog design
  • Design an eye-catching homepage. If your website were a house, the homepage would be the front door; it's the primary gate to your online space. ...
  • Include headers. ...
  • Create a logo. ...
  • Incorporate empty space. ...
  • Use simple navigation. ...
  • Display article thumbnails. ...
  • Show related posts. ...
  • Allow social media sharing.

What is considered a successful blog? ›

It's about your audience. Even if you're writing a firsthand account of a breakup, it's still for your audience – it's about what they can get from your experiences. Your goal is to build a successful blog that helps your audience achieve what they want.

What is considered a blog post? ›

A blog post is any article, news piece, or guide that's published in the blog section of a website. A blog post typically covers a specific topic or query, is educational in nature, ranges from 600 to 2,000+ words, and contains other media types such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive charts.

How do blogs look like? ›

A blog post typically follows a structure with a headline, introduction, body, and conclusion. Headline: It's the first thing a reader will notice when reading your blog. The headline gives readers an idea of what your blog post is about. The headline should be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.