Criminal record certificate (2024)

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General information

The criminal record certificate (Strafregisterbescheinigung)is a document containing either all of a person's registered convictions in the Crime Register, and/or information that there are no such convictions. Only the person who filed the application can be issued the document.

Applicants for jobs in various sectors, including security and surveillance, will need to provide a copy of their current criminal record certificate as part of their job application.In most cases,the certificatemust not be more than three months old.

Citizens can also apply for a special criminal record certificate for children and youth welfare (Strafregisterbescheinigung Kinder- und Jugendfürsorge). This special certificate can be applied for andissued if:

  • if this is required for the examinationof suitability to carry out a specific professional or organized voluntary activity within his/her area of responsibility, which mainly involves the supervision, care, upbringing, nursing or education of minors, and

  • this requirement has beenconfirmedGerman text  bythe person's (future or current) employer, or by the (future or current) relevant representative of the voluntary organisation concerned.

Furthermore citizens can also apply for aspecial criminal record certificate for care and support (Strafregisterbescheinigung Pflege und Betreuung). This special certificate can be applied for and issuedif:

  • is required for the examination of suitability to carry out a specific professional or organized voluntary activity within his/her area of responsibility, which mainly involves the care and support of vulnerable individuals(§ 220b StGB), and

  • this requirement has beenconfirmedGerman text  by the person's (future or current) employer, or by the relevant (future or current) representative of the voluntary organisation concerned.

Thecriminal record certificate for children and youth welfareand the criminal record certificate for care and support provide information on whether or not convictions against sexual integrity and self-determination and related entries such as court bans on activities are entered in the criminal record and marked accordingly.

You can also apply for a specialcriminal record certificate for terrorism and offences against the state, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. This certificate will be issued if it is required

  • for checking suitability for a specific task within the scope of an individual's professional responsibilities
    • in critical infrastructure (see Section 74 para. 1 (11) of the StGB, the manufacture, distribution or trade in or of ammunition and explosives (see Section 13 and Section 19 of the SprG), the acquisition, transportation, possession or use of restricted raw materials for explosive substances (see Section 10 of theChemG; or
    • in a company that makes use of explosives for detonation (see Section 132 of theGewO), a company specialising in pyrotechnics (see Section 107 of theGewO), the security industry (Section 129 of theGewO) or the arms industry (§ 139 of theGewO)

and provided that

  • this requirement has beenconfirmedGerman text  by the person's (future or current) employer, or by the relevant (future or current) representative of the voluntary organisation concerned.

The special criminal record certificate for terrorism, offences against the state, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes shows whether the individual has been convicted of terrorist offences, offences against the state, genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, and also shows whether there are any associated entries or instructions on the individual's record, such as whether they are subject to judicial supervision.

Nationals of other EU member states who request a criminal record certificate and/or a special criminal record certificate for children and youth welfare and/or a special criminal record certificate for care and support and/or a special criminal record certificate for terrorism, offences against the state, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes can ask for relevant information from the register of offences in other EU member states to be forwarded to the Austrian authorities and then added to their Austrian criminal record certificate by the Criminal Records Office at Vienna State Police Department.

Competent authority


If you require a simple criminal record certificate,you can apply for itonline. Note that you cannot apply online for the special criminal record certificates such as the special criminal record certificate children and youth welfare or the special criminal record certificate for care and support because those certificates can only be issued following confirmation from the employer and/or organisation requesting them. To apply online for a criminal record certificate, you will need aID Austriaoder EU Login.Information on the changeover from mobile phone signature and citizen cards to ID AustriaGerman text.


In the case of State Police Departments or Police Departments it is recommended to make an appointment online if you have to go to the authorities.

How to apply for a special criminal record certificate and/or special criminal record certificate for children and youth welfare and/or the special criminal record certificate for care and support:

  • If you live in a city where there is a state police department (Landespolizeidirektion) or police department( Landespolizeikommisariat), go to the State Police Department or Police Department
    • In Vienna, you can apply to the Police Department (PDF, 38 KB) (Polizeikommissariat)
  • If you live in a city without a state police department or in a city or municipality without a police department, apply to the Mayor
    • If you live in the Chartered Citiesof Krems or Waidhofen/Ybbs, you should apply to the Municipal Administration
    • If you live in the chartered urban district of Rust, apply to the state police department of Burgenland, which is the safety authority of the first instance for the municipality (Gemeinde)of Rust
  • If you are applying from outside Austria, apply to your localAustrian representation authority (→ BMEIA)

You can apply for a criminal record certificate at any competent authorityin the area where you are currently resident, regardless of the location of your primary residence. You can only apply for and collect criminal record certificates during opening hours(Parteienverkehrszeiten), which often differ from the office hours(Amtsstunden). Please check the opening hours for the relevant authority in advance and whether you need to make an appointment.To see the contact details for individual authorities, click on the links above (e.g. "state police department" or "mayor") and enter the relevant postcode or the name of the municipality. If more than one office appears under the same postcode, you will be prompted to select the right one.

The applicant must appearin personat the responsible authorityat least onceexcept when applying online using their citizen card (e-signature), either when they submit their application or when they collect their certificate, in order to verify their identity. This means that you can arrange for someone else to submit your application or to collect your certificate on your behalf. Individuals submitting applications or collecting certificates on behalf of someone else will need to show they are legally legally authorised to do so. As a rule, applicants represented by their solicitors are not generally required to appear in person, provided that the authorised solicitor submits acopy of the applicant's official photoID along with the application.


The applicant must appearin personat the responsible authorityat least onceexcept when applying online(ID Austria or EU Login), either when they submit their application or when they collect their certificate, in order to verify their identity. This means that you can arrange for someone else to submit your application or to collect your certificate on your behalf. Individuals submitting applications or collecting certificates on behalf of someone else will need to show they are legally authorised to do so.

As a rule, applicants represented by their solicitors are not generally required to appear in person, provided that the authorised solicitor submits acopy of the applicant's government-issued photographic ID along with the application.

Required documents

  • Official phtot ID card (proof of identity). Nationals of other EU member states requesting that data be retrieved from the member state concerned must present proof of their citizenship/s – e.g. a passport or national ID card)
  • Any previous names must be stated in the application. Evidence of these previous names must be submitted in the form of, e.g. a  birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, adoption certificate.
  • If someone else is submitting your application or collecting your certificate, they must present proof of legal authorisation to do so.
  • If you are applying for a special criminal record certificate for children and youth welfare or a criminal record certificate for care and support, you must also provide a completedconfirmation, filled in and signed by your (current or future) employer or the organisation that has asked you to obtain the certificate.

If the applicant's identity cannot be reliably established on the basis of their official phtot ID card, for example if the surname on their application does not match their ID because they have changed their surname and their ID has not yet been updated, they must also provide suitable evidence of their change of name (marriage certificate, confirmation of change of name, etc.). Any academic titles not included on an applicant's government-issued photo ID must be evidenced by providing a copy of the relevant degree certificate or academic transcript.

Costs and fees

Criminal record certificates can vary depending on the criminal record certificate applied for. These are made up as follows:

For the application

  • Standard procedure: 14.30 Euro (per sheet)
  • Electronic applications using ID Austriaor EU Login: 8.60 Euro
    • Information on the changeover from mobile phone signature and citizen cards to ID AustriaGerman text.

For the application for a special criminal record certificate (e.g. children and youth welfare), additionally

Enclosure fee: 3.90 Euro(per sheet)
The enclosure fee must be paid in particular in those cases in which a confirmation from the (future) employer that the certificate is required for the exercise of the activity is enclosed.

For issuing a criminal record certificate

  • Certificate fee: 14.30Euro
    The certificate fee will be waived if the criminal record certificate is being obtained solely in order to present it to a specific office (natural person or legal entity, such as an employer or a authority). In this case, the certificate costs 16.40Euro (and 10.70Euro for electronic applications using ID Austria).
  • Federal administration fee: 2.10Euro


The certificate fee does not apply if the criminal record certificate is only to be presented to a specific body (natural or legal person, e.g. employer, authority, address).
In this case, the certificate costs a total of 16.40 Euro (14.30 Euro application fee plus 2.10 Euro federal administrative fee for issuing), or 10.70 Euro (8.60 Euro application fee plus 2.10 Euro federal administrative fee for issuing) for electronic applications with ID Austria.

The application for and issuing of criminal record certificates in the context of voluntary work at a

  • volunteer organization,
  • organization favoured by donations (→ BMF)
  • legally recognized church or religious society as well as an institution established under internal church law with effect for the state sector and endowed with legal personality

is exempt from fees and charges.

In order to obtain such a criminal record certificate, the following confirmations must be enclosed:

  • Proof of the existence of a beneficiary organization or institution:
    • Confirmation from the→ service center for volutary workor
    • notification from the Austrian tax office confirming that the donation is eligible for tax relief or
    • the church's entry in the list at legally recognized churches and religious societies
  • Confirmation from the (future) employer that the applicant is a volunteer (including signature and company-form production of the employer and personal data of the applicant)
  • Confirmation from the (future) employer that no more than the volunteer lump sum will be paid out (including the signature and company-issued copy of the employer and personal data of the applicant)

Further information

If you have applied for the certificate in person and online, the certificate can besent to you upon request. Certificates are usually delivered by official government post (RSa-Brief (in person). However, applicants can also request their certificates be sent out in the standard post.

If the criminal record certificate,special criminal record certificate for children and youth welfare and/or special criminal record certificate for care and support shows no convictions, the certificate issued will be bilingual (German and English).

At the police departments in Vienna, criminal record certificates are usually issued on the spot, provided that all documents required to establish the applicant's identity are provided when the application is submitted, and that no arrest warrants, or alerts to determine whereabouts, etc. have been issued in relation to the applicant. In the case that the certificate is issued on the spot, it is not therefore possible for the applicant to arrange for a third party to represent them.

Provided all the relevant requirements are met, various other authorities throughout Austria can and do issue criminal record certificates within a few minutes. However, if the municipality to which the application is submitted does not have direct access to the register of criminal offences, it may take around 10 days for the certificate to be issued. Applications made to Austrian representations abroad may also take longer to process.


Criminal convictions that are not subject to restricted divulgence (Beschränkter Auskunft)will appear in a criminal record certificate, which may be problematic for individuals applying for a new job. You can ask for a criminal conviction to be subjected to restricted divulgence by petitioning for a pardon. There are usually no formal requirements for such pardons; they can simply be submitted to the Federal Ministry of Justice (→ BMJ). However, as a minimum, they should set out why the offence should be restricted (e.g. the genuine prospect of obtaining a specific job) and a justification as to why the pardon should be granted (e.g. particularly positive behaviour since the offence was committed or following release from custody). To avoid any queries, you should provide all the following information, specifically:

  •  Full name
  • Date of birth and place of birth
  • Address
  • Court, reference and date of the decision(s) you wish to have pardoned.

Generally speaking, applications for pardons will only be considered after half the expiration period (Tilgungsfrist) for the offence has elapsed. There is no legal entitlement to such pardons.

Legal basis

Strafregistergesetz 1968 (especially Sections 10, 10a, 11)

Link to form

  • Criminal record certificate(Strafregisterbescheinigung)– Request a certificateGerman text
  • Online-service criminal record certificate
  • Criminal record certificate for children and youth welfare(Strafregisterbescheinigung Kinder- und Jugendfürgsorge)– Confirmation by the employerGerman text
  • Criminal record certificate for care and support(Strafregisterbescheinigung Pflege und Betreuung)– Confirmation by the employerGerman text

Certified translation

Last update: 1 July 2024

Responsible for the content:Federal Ministry of the Interior

Criminal record certificate (2024)


How do I get a certificate of no criminal record in the US? ›

Go to your local police department where you live or last lived in the United States. Ask that the police conduct a local or state criminal records search. Ask that they provide a document showing you have no history of a criminal record.

How can I get a copy of my criminal record online USA? ›

  1. Visit
  2. Follow the steps under the “Obtaining Your Identity History Summary” section. ...
  3. Complete the Applicant Information Form. ...
  4. Get Your Fingerprints. ...
  5. Pay. ...
  6. Review Everything. ...
  7. Mail Your Required Materials. ...
  8. Receive Your Response.

How do I get a police clearance certificate in NJ? ›

You will have to write a letter to the Department of Law and Public Safety, New Jersey stating that you require a PCC and that you are authorizing authorized agency to collect it on your behalf. These clearances are sometimes referred to as “Criminal History Background Check” or “Police Clearance Certificates”.

How to find criminal records in New Jersey? ›

You can obtain a copy of your criminal record through the New Jersey Division of State Police Criminal Information Unit (CIU). You can also try requesting a copy of your records from a specific law enforcement agency or court.

How long does it take to get a US police clearance certificate? ›

In normal mode, the FBI takes 16 business weeks to process the application if no criminal record is found, and after that, they send the certified criminal record check (hard copy) via regular mail. The FBI does not send the certificate via email or courier.

Can I get a police clearance certificate from local police? ›

In India, the process of getting a PCC from a local police station is fairly simple. The applicant must submit an application form along with supporting documents, such as ID proof and address proof. The police department will conduct a background check and issue the certificate if everything is in order.

Are criminal records public in the US? ›

Criminal history information is generally available to the public, and criminal history information for a specific state can typically be obtained from the state agency that maintains the record. States normally charge a fee for a copy of a person's criminal history.

What are examples of a criminal record? ›

Clarifying Different Types of Criminal Records – Top 10 List
  • Driving While Intoxicated.
  • Driving While License Suspended.
  • Possession of Marijuana.
  • Possession of Controlled Substance.
  • Assault Family Member.
  • Theft By Check.
  • Theft.
  • Evading Arrest/Detention.

What does an FBI background check show? ›

The FBI background check will include a comprehensive criminal record check against the FBI's national database, which will include arrest and conviction history, as well as traffic violations and even parking tickets.

How can I get my clearance certificate? ›

As per the National Credit Act, you become eligible to receive a clearance certificate when:
  1. Your unsecured debt is paid.
  2. Your bond/mortgage or long-term agreement payments are up to date.
  3. Your debt counselling fees are paid up.
  4. All three of these must be completed to receive your certificate.
Feb 17, 2024

How do I get a local police clearance certificate? ›

  1. Visit the Local Police Station or the PNP Website - Applicants can start the process by visiting the nearest police station or accessing the PNP's online services.
  2. Submit Requirements and Pay Fees - Present the required IDs, accomplish the form, and pay the necessary fees.
Mar 16, 2024

How far back does a background check go in NJ? ›

How Far Back Do Background Checks Go in New Jersey? The FCRA and New Jersey's state laws govern how far back background checks can go. For jobs paying less than $75,000, there is a seven-year lookback period under the FCRA for the following types of information: Arrests not leading to convictions.

Are police reports public record in NJ? ›

Who can access arrest records depends on the details and type of charges. As a general rule, most arrest records are available to the public. However, this can vary from state to state. The New Jersey Open Public Records Act means that most arrest records are available to anyone in the state.

How do I request a public record in New Jersey? ›

In order to be considered a valid request under OPRA, the request must identify the specific record(s) desired, the request must be submitted to the records custodian of the public agency that has the record, and the request must be in writing on the agency's records request form or some other written format (such as a ...

How to check expungement status in NJ? ›

Second, if your expungement order's civil docket number is not listed in the link above, you can contact the Expungement Unit to inquire about the status of your expungement order. The Expungement Unit can be contacted by telephone at (609) 671-7900 or by email at

How can I get a FBI clearance certificate in the USA? ›

FBI Clearance by Postal mail
  1. Download the FBI police verification application form from here. ...
  2. Get a Cashier's check or Money Order for $18 per person as fees, payable to the “Treasury of the United States”. ...
  3. Get your fingerprints. ...
  4. Send application, payment, and fingerprints to the FBI office via traceable postal mail.
Dec 8, 2022

How can I clear my criminal record in USA? ›

To seal the records of a conviction, a defendant must first complete all terms of the sentence imposed in the case sought to be sealed, including the payment of all fines, but exclusive of court costs and restitution obligations, and the completion of all terms of incarceration, probation, and other sanctions imposed ...

How do I get a police certificate for US immigration? ›

Obtain an original FBI Applicant Fingerprint Card (FD 258) from your local law enforcement agency and fill it out according to the instructions. If you are having difficulty in obtaining an original FD 258 fingerprint card, please contact the Applicant Services Program at

How can I get free public records in USA? ›

Viewing Public Records for Free

The easiest way to access public records is to go to the source—the government agency or department that has them. Many have online databases. If you're looking for court records, you can usually get these from the specific courthouse.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.