1. Wszystkie Nieprzespane Noce (Film, 2016) - MovieMeter.nl
Drama / Documentaire film geregisseerd door Michal Marczak. Met Krzysztof Baginski, Michal Huszcza en Eva Lebuef.
2. All These Sleepless Nights (2016) - MUBI
An intimate glimpse into the party scene in Warsaw, Michal Marczak's Sundance prizewinner boldly blends fiction and documentary. Reminiscent of Terence Malick's ...
A new era is coming, and Warsaw stands uncomfortably at its edge. Art school classmates Kris and Michal, on the precipice of their own coming of age, restlessly roam the streets in search of living forever inside the beautiful moment. Floating from party to party, romance and sex hang in the air.
3. All These Sleepless Nights (2016) | IDFA Archive
Director Michal Marczak tests the limits of the documentary in this story about two students on the verge of adulthood.
Director Michal Marczak tests the limits of the documentary in this story about two students on the verge of adulthood: it’s never entirely clear whether events have been staged for the camera or actually happened. The style changes abruptly from one scene to another – one moment it’s narrative, and the next more cinema verité. Conversations shift discreetly into voice-over. The protagonists are sometimes so uninhibitedly frenetic and ignore the camera so completely that they might be professional actors. Marczak ran into Krysztof and Michal at a house party in Warsaw. After three months of intensive contact, he started filming them and continued for a year and a half. He recorded the lives of two young men for whom the night is never over. They smoke, do drugs, hit on girls and break the world record for mindless chatter. They are true to life but stereotypes at the same time, in a coming-of-age film set against the backdrop of hip Warsaw nightlife.
4. Wszystkie Nieprzespane Noce • FILMFEST HAMBURG
One summer long, art students Kris and Michal, both in their mid-20s, let themselves go in the Polish capital. They party in their flat or pop-up clubs, dance ...
Warsaw on speed. Pulsating electro beats, alcohol, drugs, sex, endless partying, life on the limit. One summer long, art students Kris and Michal, both in their mid-20s, let themselves go in the Polish capital. They party in their flat or pop-up clubs, dance and drink till they drop, chew over big ideas as real and as transient as the next romance. Anything is possible and little is left apart from the rush and the morning after. With flowing, dreamlike camerawork, the film captures the spirit and energy of the 20-something generation in Poland and portrays Warsaw as a subcultural centre. At the Sundance Festival, All These Sleepless Nights won the award for best direction in the category World Cinema Documentary.
5. All These Sleepless Nights (2016) - The Movie Database
What does it mean to be awake in a world that seems satisfied to be asleep? Kris and Michal push their experiences of life and love to a breaking point as ...
What does it mean to be awake in a world that seems satisfied to be asleep? Kris and Michal push their experiences of life and love to a breaking point as they restlessly roam the city streets in search of answers, adrift in the euphoria and uncertainty of youth.
6. All These Sleepless Nights (2016) - Letterboxd
A mesmeric, free-floating odyssey that wends its way through a hazy year in the molten lives of two Polish twentysomethings, this unclassifiable wonder obscures ...
What does it mean to be awake in a world that seems satisfied to be asleep? Kris and Michal push their experiences of life and love to a breaking point as they restlessly roam the city streets in search of answers, adrift in the euphoria and uncertainty of youth.
7. "All These Sleepless Nights" In US Cinemas - PISF
3 apr 2017 · Wszystkie nieprzespane noce (All These Sleepless Nights) previously screened in North America at Hot Docs, True/False and Full Frame film ...
Strona internetowa PISF - Polskiego Instytutu Sztuki Filmowej
8. All These Sleepless Nights (2016) | IDFA Archive
... film die plaatsvindt in het hippe uitgaanscircuit van de Poolse hoofdstad ... All These Sleepless Nights. Wszystkie nieprzespane noce. Michal Marczak. Polen.
Hier worden de grenzen van de documentaire drastisch opgerekt. Zelfs na afloop is niet helemaal duidelijk hoeveel van dit verhaal over twee studenten op de rand van volwassenheid is geënsceneerd en hoeveel naturelle registratie is. De stijl verspringt van scène tot scène, is verhalend de ene keer, meer cinéma vérité de volgende. Gesprekken schakelen soms ongemerkt over naar voice-over. De hoofdpersonen gedragen zich bij vlagen ongegeneerd uitzinnig en negeren de camera zo totaal dat ze niet onderdoen voor professionele acteurs. En toch. Regisseur Michal Marczak liep Krysztof en Michal tegen het lijf op een housefeestje in Warschau. Na drie maanden intensieve omgang begon hij te filmen en bleef dat anderhalf jaar doen. Hij registreert het leven van twee jongelingen voor wie de nacht nooit mag ophouden. Ze roken, gebruiken drugs, versieren meisjes en verbreken het wereldrecord slap ouwehoeren. Ze zijn levensecht, maar tegelijkertijd sjablonen in een coming of age-film die plaatsvindt in het hippe uitgaanscircuit van de Poolse hoofdstad.