A fullUltimate Doom Megawad in-the-making, Shadows is a very personal tribute to my mapping origins and the journey I've been on the last four years. I'm happy to release Episode 1 and 2 of my first megawadand to share it with all of you. Shadows is a Vanilla Limit-Removing megawad. Episode 1 is inspired loosely by Knee Deep in the Dead, with Episode 2 inspired by the corrupted base idea of The Shores of Hell with more of a focus on corruption and distorted reality, bringingin a bit of a recent Romero area styles fromTech Gone Bad and Sigil. Each of theepisodes follow similar themes as the original, with some personal flavor and some added twists. There are some familiar beats and some clear homage, but the focus of Shadows was to give new life to my oldest unreleased work, to reference the two Ultimate Doom speedmapping projects I'd led previously, and to honor my 3 closest partners-in-crime that have been with me since the beginning: my three cubs. (I actually released Episode 1 onShadow Sparkle's birthday today, so I dedicate this one to her). I'm also bringing along some friends, because without my Doom buddies, this whole 4-years-and-counting journey wouldn't have been half as fun.
DOWNLOAD Shadows: Episode 2: Shot to Hell (Google Drive)
The development of Shadows as an Ultimate Doom megawad began in secret about the same time myolden began Nostalgia Zero in secret, and since we shared their production with each other, they've been sister projects. I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention that both were being built alongside @Peccatum Mihzamiz's project Portraits of Doom. Funny how that happens. As both my besties myolden and Peccatum have just released their work, I couldn't let them soak up all the clout have all the fun! (This is also me telling you to go check out those projects, too, if you haven't yet!)A large number of the tracks in Shadows are shared from Nostalgia Zero, because they are just too good, and we need to celebrate this talent in the community!
The OP in September saw the preview version of Episode 1 released. Now, in the last two days of 2024, I give you an updated version of E1 with a release of Episode 2!
myolden joins me as the guest mapper for E1's secret map, which is the original secret map for Nostalgia Zero that we traded with each other. NOTE: "Jump in the Fire" is the original idea I had for my own E1M9, which was essentially a remake of my very first finished map ever.
OverflowingMocha joins me as the guest mapper for E2's secret map, which if you've played Absurdity from D-30, you know the power in an E2-themed Mocha map. This one is hella good.
Ultimate Doom
Comp Level:3
Target:Crispy Doom
Tested in:Crispy Doom, DSDA-DOOM, GZDOOM (Limited)
Maps (Current):E1M1 - E2M9
Episode 1: Parade of the Dead Map and Track List:
E1M1: Spread the Ashes
"Phobos Contaminated" by Doomcat (for Shadows)
E1M2: Shadows Whisper
"The Myolden Plan" by @Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E1M3: Death Spin
"Propeller" by Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E1M4: Hatred Rising
"Smokin' on that Jack Pack" by @ZeMystic(from Nostalgia Zero)
E1M5: Shadows of Doubt
"Stinky Sewer" by Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E1M6: Levee of Tears
"Escaping the Darkness" by Myrgharok (from the Ultimate MIDI Pack)
E1M7: Acid Bath
"The Hydraulic Press" by Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E1M8: Death of Yesterday
"Death of Yesterday" by Doomcat (for Shadows)
E1M9: Deathbent (by @myolden)
"Undercooked Pasta" by @Bobby :D(from Nostalgia Zero)
Episode 2: Shot to Hell
Map and Track List:
E2M1: Fading Light
"500 Cigarettes" by Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E2M2: Shadows Call
"Yeast Trash" by Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E2M3: Shades of Gray
"Flesh consuming, Flesh Consumed" by ZeMystic (from Nostalgia Zero)
E2M4: Hide My Fears
"Watch and Weep" by Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E2M5: The Urge
"Dread Factory" by MFG38 (from Ultimate Midi Pack)
E2M6: Torn and Tattered
"Ludis Nudis" by Korp (from Nostalgia Zero)
E2M7: Electric Hellfire
"You're Winner" by Lippeth (from Ultimate Midi Pack)
E2M8: Overlord by Doomcat and Death Bear
"Overlord" by Doomcat (for Shadows)
E2M9: Wingwalker by @OverflowingMocha
"Omega" by Psyrus
(Upcoming) Episode 3: Suffering Overdue
featuring collab maps with Doomcat, Unicorn Skull, and Shadow Sparkle & E3M9 by @BluePineapple72
(Upcoming) Episode 4: Shallow Grave
featuring a collab map with Doomcat, E4M9 by @LVENdead, and guest maps by @MAN_WITH_GUN and @muumi
An undying THANK YOU to everyone involved here, so far!
Title Music: "Shadows" by Doomcat (for Shadows)
Intermission: "Shadow" by Psyrus
Victory Music: "Casting Shadows" by Doomcat (for Shadows)
Graphics: Mostly @Ludibut also Death Bear
Additional Textures: Doom 2, Plutonia, CC4, 32-in-24, ZoonTex
Skies: Ludi
Playtesting: Ludi, LVENdead, OverflowingMocha,MAN_WITH_GUN, @taviow
DOWNLOAD Shadows: Episode 2: Shot to Hell (Google Drive)
Feel free to share feedback and bug reports here in the thread, if you get a chance to play it. Thanks for those of you who have so far! I'll be working on E3 and E4 as we ring in the new year. See you soon!
Edited by Death Bear