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16 days ago

Aug 5, 2024, 4:00:04 PM



2.0 - 16178

Issue:CAI doesn't settle ruins

Attached Amenmesse campaign (legendary; no campaign customizations). None of the territories in southern Egypt that start as ruins were ever settled by the AI (I've now settled most of them).

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (2)




16 days ago

Aug 5, 2024, 4:05:33 PM



2.0 - 16178

Issue:CAI declares war from the other end of the map

Attached Amenmesse campaign (legendary; no customizations). Pretty much since the start of the campaign Aegean factions have been declaring war on me even though I am nowhere near then and don't have any other interactions with them.

I've only noticed this behaviour with Aegean factions. I don't recall any Hittite, Canaanite or Mesopotamian factions declaring on me.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (3)




16 days ago

Aug 5, 2024, 6:16:29 PM



Patch 1.1.1 - 13848

AI Sherden and Peleset can not settle nor recruit new horde armies. Allow these factions when controlled by the AI to occupy settlements, colonize, and create new hordes. Currently, these two AI factions do very little and often die early into the campaign. The new AI Sea People rework is great and their adjustments should be applied to Sherden and Peleset. Let them create their own kingdoms and great hordes.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (4)




16 days ago

Aug 5, 2024, 6:42:24 PM



2.0 - 16178

Currently, AI major/minor factions spam too many stacks of native units. Factions, such as Ramesses and Babylon, will recruit tons of native Habiru militia and Akkadian farmers respectively. I think it will increase battle variety if these factions were changed to recruit their faction units, such as Medjay and Sihluhu. I propose these changes to the AI.

1. Priority- Increase the quality of faction units while decreasing the value of native units in cdir_military_generator_unit_qualities_tables. I set the quality of native units to around 200-1000 depending on tier. Meanwhile, I set quality of faction units to about 500-5000.

2. Priority- Increase the value of faction recruitment buildings(score end/score end or start inclusive). This includes all faction buildings that unlock units and the minor faction building 'phar_map_military_major_secondary_factions.' It's better to leave the native recruitment buildings as is for AI generic factions. This is found in cai_construction_system_buildings_values_tables. I have tested this by increasing all faction recruitment buildings to about 2000-2400.

3. Maybe -Encourage the AI to recruit higher quality units. Increase the values of CAI_TMS_GDS_TASK_GENERATOR_RECRUIT_WITH_MAIN_ARMY_IN_HIGH_QUALITY_REGION and CAI_TMS_TASK_GENERATOR_RECRUIT_HIGHER_QUALITY_UNITS.These are found in cai_task_management_system_task_generator_groups_generators_junctions_tables.​

I have attached screenshots of my personal changes to these tables. These changes have drastically increased the number of unique faction units and buildings recruited by the AI.


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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (9)




16 days ago

Aug 5, 2024, 6:43:05 PM



2.0 - 16178

Playing as Hatti, Kurunta and Alashya my vassals had not moved or recruited for several turns while being at war with mutual enemies.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (11)




16 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 12:41:28 AM



2.0 - 16178

I'm still a early in my campaign (65 turns in) but right now my only concern is that allies stay a bit too far away from me while I am besieging a city, and because of this they rarely (if ever) join my battles.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (12)




16 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 2:00:44 AM



2.0 - 16178

Another minor (kinda) issue is that CAI still never upgrades pillars of civilization. I do understand that if it did so we would never reach certain stages, but it still feels wrong to finally reach the enemy capital after dozens of turns and find it at level 3.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (13)




16 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 2:04:16 AM



2.0 - 16178

Rebel armies do not provide any real challenge. They gather their forces over the course of a few turns but do not do much more than that. What happened to reemerging factions from Total Wars past? It would be great to initiate diplomacy with rebels who form a new faction upon a successful rebellion (region specific).

Step by step of the bug

Step 1

Set Rebellions to High. No late game challenge, or replayability.

Step 2

Need faction re-emergence that is region specific to give long-term consequences over generic rebels

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Why do you report GhostViP3I2#2423?

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (14)




16 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 3:07:06 AM



2.0 - 16178

Normally the AI in several different factions will declare war on the player faction between turns 13-15 and each faction has at least one full stack army. Usually when playing as Ramesses, who is supposed to be the recommended faction, I get a war declaration from one of Merneptah's vassals which forces him and his other factions into war with me even if I had neutral relations with Merneptah and his vassals, even the one that declares war on me. Then usually Hetch and Beersheba declares war at the same time even if they are not allies.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (15)




16 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 3:24:45 PM



2.0 - 16178

Something is causing every faction on the map to discover me. I talked to another player and he thinks it is linked to Thutmose the conqueror ancient legacy. This did appear to be the case for me.However, another person stated he simply sieged a settlement as Amenmesse and this caused him to be discovered by every faction. I waited until late in the campaign to start trying to use the benefits of the Thutmose ancient legacy and then I got a random declaration of war from a faction near Greece when I had no contact with that area at all yet and I have the Fog of war turned on. I continued on with my campaign. I've been holding off 50+ factions with barter agreements and marriages. It gets exhausting doing all of those barter agreements for so many factions at once. I'm around turn 160 now and finally just quit making all of those barter agreements.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (16)




15 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 7:14:02 PM



2.0 - 16178

1) Strong anti-player bias in campaign. Three separate coop multiplayer campaigns (one normal-difficulty, two hard-difficulty campaigns). Whenever player faction (us) declares war on minor faction (with no ties), player strategic threat meter goes up the roof, making all relationships detoriate and AI goes hostile, soon following multiple AI factions declare war in row. At "best" 12 factions declared war before turn 14. This was on "normal" campaign diffulty. Playing as Nepata & Amenmesse. War was declared by greek cities and Thrace, that are on the other side of the map, ignoring their own neigbour rivals and potential own civil wars, and sent 2-4 full stacks of armies down south every 3 turns, and must have taken 5-8 turns for them to travel.

On other example, playing as Seti and Ramesses in coop, hard campaign difficulty. 6 factions declared war as soon as we took our first conquests, and end result: 28 full armies seen on map, focusing only against player. They ignore closer factions and other "rivals" completely. They can move 3 full stacks via sea/river route to your cities in one turn. While we enjoy challenge, too much is too much sometimes, especially when AI cheats with resources.

Multiple Ai factions at war, what makes it even more annoying is that enemy AI factions moves as single entity, meaning 3 different factions move their army-stacks in one mob against player, and make moves that are hard to foresee (one faction moves 2x20 troops next to city in march mode, other faction moves 20 troops via sea route on its turn and starts siege).

Other AI hiccups in battles:
-unit collision makes chariots/cav regularly stuck, and uneffective in melee/killing routing enemies. Chariots are bounced off from regular infantry units. Chariots and cav do not TRAMPLE enemies underneath as they should, with enough mass and speed against unit that is not braced/in formation.
-units tend to have 1-2s lagg when commanding, before units respond.

-units forget orders as soon as you look elsewhere, and just stand still / start walking when order is to chase routing enemies.

2) using Better Camera-mod that does not affect campaign/AI/other, but technically makes game save file modded.

Step by step of the bug

Step 1


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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (17)




15 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 8:05:25 PM



2.0 - 16178

The AI is overly avoidant of the player, refusing to engage with them in many different situations. It may be aggressive in diplomacy, but because of how it interprets the balance of power system, in the field it will often do things such as use marching stance to stay away from the player's armies unless it vastly outnumbers them, or camp inside their settlement and completely refuse to fight the player for many turns if they have even a slight advantage, forcing the player to use small exploits such as baiting the AI with a one unit army in the field while a larger army sits next to it in ambush stance. While it is technically a smart response in the AI's part to flee from the player when it is likely to lose the fight, this timid behavior frustrates and makes the campaign experience less fun as a result. That behavior would make sense if the balance of power was heavily in the player's favor, but a slight advantage shouldn't cause the AI to become defensive, because a more proactive AI could naturally develop interesting scenarios and problems for the player to solve, even if its decisions aren't necessarily smart.

Additionally, it could also be generally more open to accept or offer some of the niche diplomatic options such as breaking trade agreements and alliances in exchange for large resources, as that would help diversify the diplomacy between all the different factions and the player, but not necessarily involving them.

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Why do you report BanaMaou94#4022?

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (18)




15 days ago

Aug 6, 2024, 11:30:56 PM



2.0 - 16178

Campaign customization to reveal the map allows every faction to declare war on you. By turn 9, as Peleset, I was declared on by 23+ nations and AI can't calculate distance in diplomacy.
The 'Embed Informant' ability, if used multiple times, can make the game lag to the point of ruining a save. I don't have a picture.

(A request not a bug) Can the Dynasty mechanics such as Dynastic Deeds be for every playable faction? I thought that was the intention behind the update, not just for the 4 supreme rulers. I would like to track the progress of all faction leaders.

Sea Peoples also appear much weaker than in the base game, less frequent.

Menelaus isn't in Agamemnon's family, neither is Helen as wife to either Menelaus or Paris.
You should be able subjugate factions. In the game you can if a particular legacy or court position is taken, however, you can offer to become someone else's vassal anytime. This is irrelevant of their status, they could be a city-state and the option is there.
I hope this is helpful/submitted correctly. Thank you

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (19)




15 days ago

Aug 7, 2024, 9:46:17 AM



2.0 - 16178

Vassals(AI) are too aggressive. They declare war everywhere so that makes me tired.

they ruin my diplomancy.

There is very funny thing that vassal declare war (makes me join the war) and suddenly peace treaty.(while im still fighting them.)

Totally trolling.

plz change vassals can't declare war and peace treaty themselves.

Step by step of the bug

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (20)




15 days ago

Aug 7, 2024, 3:29:28 PM



2.0 - 16178

Issue: TW vet since Shogun 1's OG launch. Very cautious "Hard" difficulty co-op campaign as Bay--I broke no oaths, was in no wars for over 10 turns, and was simply building my initially-conquered settlements vertically. 6 factions declared war on me in the same turn.

Hypothesis: I've felt some anti-player bias in singleplayer, but it's nearly unplayable in co-op and I think it's because of the player alliance aversion the AI have.

Every single co-op campaign I play in, virtually every single AI faction on the map has a strong negative aversion to my alliance with player 2, regardless of what faction they are. Both of us playing Egyptian factions? Both of us playing non-aggressively and trying to be smart about our wars? Doesn't matter. There is a steadily-worsening penalty for us being allies *no matter what*. We have tried this with many factions/cultures and in every single case, by ~Turn 20 or 30 both of us have had every single nearby neighbor that isn't *extremely* positive towards us declare war. In our latest we were both Hittites and I had 4 factions declare war on me in the same turn for literally no reason other than "Deteriorating" opinions due strictly to our co-op alliance. It gets to where we just laugh about it, because it feels like there's always a turn or two where we hit "End Turn" and it seemingly pauses on every AI faction as one by one they declare a cascading war, regardless of their own alliances, regardless of our previous threats to them, and with no good explanation.

Ideally we could choose to ally only when we want, like in Three Kingdoms or TW: WH's latest campaign. But I think it's more of a problem than a feature. Why do my alliances with other AIfactions not piss everyone off? Why is it always that my HUMAN ally causes majorrelationship deterioration with every AI? Even my "friendly" starting neighbors decay and declare war on me and the only discernable reason is the alliance (which cannot be exited in co-op). Doesn't matter if my friend is at peace with them. Doesn't matter if either of us are warring at all. And with our playstyle, neither of us ever lose reliability because we know that leads to wars.

Step by step of the bug

Step 1

Load a co-op campaign on Hard or higher difficulty

Step 2

Play 20-30 turns and don't harm your reliability score/don't warmonger too hard

Step 3

Watch AI around you start randomly declaring war en masse simply because "Alliance with [player 2]

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (21)


Godslayer Merciless


15 days ago

Aug 7, 2024, 3:41:03 PM



Latest - 2.0.1 - 16360

Hi, I would like to report a leak memory during the game:

After playing more than 15/20 rounds, the game seems to have a drop in performance on the campaign map as the movement of the camera is characterized by evident stutters, furthermore when I pass the turn the time becomes very long.The problem is solved by closing the game and reopening it, I consulted with some friends and they also have the same problem, I kindly ask you to check because this memory leak literally breaks the game.

I leave you the list of my hardware components, specifying that I play heavier games like cyberpunk and I don't have any kind of problem

CPU 13TH I7-13700KF 3400 Mhz, 16 core

Motherboard PRO Z790-A WIFI

32Gb RAM

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti

SSD: 960G

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (22)


Noble Monarch


14 days ago

Aug 7, 2024, 11:57:15 PM



Latest - 2.0.1 - 16360

I'm Hecleas, I've been mainly modding AI on the database for years on almost all TWs
I have already reported this same bug on WH3, it has been known since 5.0

1) the AI no longer properly manages the “DEFEND” tasks in the cai_task_managment table To prevent the AI from being passive, we are forced to get around the problem by maximizing the tasks linked to "ATTACK" and to make a large difference in value with the "DEFEND" tasks. This prevents you from configuring the AI intelligently and makes more than half of your tasks in this table obsolete.

2) He is in my eyes the biggest problem. To adjust the value judgment of enemy forces or a colony, this is done in the cai_strategic_compoment table and in the cai_variables Just like the AI of WH3, the values in these tables are no longer taken into account, even if we make the AI cautious. the AI will place itself, will position itself in a suicidal manner (even if we set the values so as not to make it suicidal), including being in forced march. This is a big problem that completely destroys the game. TW Troy didn't have this problem, the AI was perfect. I don't know what could have been done to block the AI hardcoding level. Unless you have created a new table to handle this kind of case, but there is nothing.

This glitch completely breaks Phraoh and WH3's AI. Please do something about this and don't abandon the game with broken AI like Rome 2 and TOB

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (23)




14 days ago

Aug 8, 2024, 1:15:43 AM



Latest - 2.0.1 - 16360

Hi there,

Thanks for the game and loving my campaign with Ithaca right now! :)

I got just two comments about the behaviour from the AI.

1. I am not quite sure if it is because of the new lethality feature, however it seems the AI tends to spam range units all the time. Is this something that can be fixed? Like limiting the number of range units for the IA to 5 per army or something?

Also, would it be possible to have a feature (an option for campaign customization, something you can turn on an off) in which, the player is limited when replenishing troops after a battle?

With Ithaca, I understand why after a battle, my units start to recover numbers until full capacity when in Greece, this is the Area of Recruitment (AOR) for those units after all. However, once I cross to Anatolia, there are so many cool units!! I would like to be forced to reinforce my armies with local Units (I am playing with some "house rules" and trying merging units, in that way, I start recruiting units from that region...but it is not the same), this way players will treasure even more their units.

PS: I haven't finished my first campaign, so if my comment about the AOR doesn't apply when conquering other lands like Egypt or the Levant, I guess I wasn't far enough from Greece haha

Thanks for this game!

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (24)




14 days ago

Aug 8, 2024, 1:58:03 AM



Latest - 2.0.1 - 16360

He jugado varias veces con diferentes facciones, he notado que después de derrotar a la primera facción, al menos 5 facciones me declaran la guerra sin ningún motivo. Jugando como Kurunta usando la personalización de la campaña para revelar la opción de mapa, 14 facciones me declararon la guerra en dos turnos. También he notado que la mayoría de las facciones no tienen una buena opinión del jugador, por ejemplo cuando juego con facciones del Egeo siempre hay facciones con las que hay una buena relación, sin embargo con las facciones mesopotámicas, los pueblos del mar y los hititas eso no sucede. Sin embargo, me encanta el juego, es mi juego favorito, lo único que falta son esos ajustes con el CAI y el juego sería perfecto.

Step by step of the bug

Step 1

La AI declara guerra al derrotar a la primera faccion.

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Universe Hub - Total War: Pharaoh - Total War: Pharaoh (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.