Was ist ein Blog? Erklärung, Definition & Anwendung – SPITZBUB (2024)

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Was ist ein Blog? Erklärung, Definition & Anwendung – SPITZBUB (2)

Eine Art digitales Tagebuch oder Journal – so lässt sich der Begriff “Blog” grob erklären.
Doch wozu werden Blogs, Blogpost und Blogging genutzt?

Blogbeiträge und ihre Bedeutung

Das Wort Blog lässt sich ableiten aus den englischen Wörtern “Web” und “Log”, zusammen “Weblog” und lässt sich mit den Begriffen Logbuch oder Tagebuch übersetzen. Blogs behandeln die unterschiedlichsten Themen von persönlichen Geschichten, über ratgebenden Tipps, bis hin zu Nischenwissen. Blogs werden meistens von einem Blogger, auch Weblogger genannt, geführt, selten von mehreren Personen. Man kann einen Blog als ein Kommunikationsmittel betrachten, welches journalistisch genutzt wird. Blogbeiträge werden meistens in kontinuierlichen Abständen veröffentlicht und sind chronologisch auf einer Website angeordnet. Als Kommunikationsmittel kann ein Blog nicht nur schriftliche Inhalte enthalten, sondern auch durch reine Grafiken, Fotos oder Videos fungieren. Oftmals kann man als Leser eines Blogbeitrages auch seine persönliche Meinung in Form eines Kommentars äußern. Hierdurch ergibt sich die Möglichkeit einer direkten Interaktion zwischen Leser und des Blogger.

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Was ist ein Blog? Erklärung, Definition & Anwendung – SPITZBUB (3)

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Was ist ein Blog? Erklärung, Definition & Anwendung – SPITZBUB (2024)


What does blog mean? ›

A blog, short for weblog, is a frequently updated web page used for personal commentary or business content. Blogs are often interactive and include sections at the bottom of individual blog posts where readers can leave comments.

What is the main idea of the blog? ›

In short, many individuals and businesses create a blog to share their ideas and expertise as well as boost their online presence.

What is the answer of blog? ›

Expert-verified answer

A blog (short for "web log") is a discussion or educational website that is published on the internet. A blog (short for "online log") is a discussion or informative website consisting of isolated, frequently informal diary-style text entries that is published on the World Wide Web (posts).

What is the blog mainly about? ›

blog, online journal where an individual, group, or corporation presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs. Some blogs operate mainly as news filters, collecting various online sources and adding short comments and Internet links. Other blogs concentrate on presenting original material.

Is blogging good or bad? ›

Done right, blogging can be a highly profitable niche - it's a one of the most widely used digital monetization strategies for a reason. The key to a profitable blog is understanding your audience and search engines. If you're creating content that's findable and valuable, you're well on your way.

Why do they call it a blog? ›

In 1997, Jorn Barger, blogger for Robot Wisdom, coined the term “weblog”, which was meant to describe his process for “logging the web” as he surfed the internet. The term “weblog” was shortened to “blog” in 1999, by programmer Peter Merholz.

What is the purpose of a blog? ›

The purpose of a blog is to provide a platform for individuals or organizations to share information, ideas, and thoughts with a wider audience. Blogs can be used for personal or professional purposes, and can cover a wide range of topics, such as lifestyle, fashion, technology, politics, business, and more.

Why do people read blogs? ›

This not only entertains but also encourages personal growth and development. In addition to offering various forms of entertainment, blogs also serve as a source of inspiration for many readers. Bloggers often share personal stories and experiences that resonate with their audience.

What are the four main parts of a blog? ›

4 Essential Elements to Writing a Great Blog Post
  • An attention-grabbing headline. A good blog post is about one topic, one story, one idea. ...
  • A captivating lead paragraph. You know how much first impressions matter, right? ...
  • Interesting supporting points. This is the body of the article. ...
  • A compelling call-to-action.

What is the main focus of a blog? ›

The purpose of a blog is to provide content on your website that answers your prospective customers' questions and helps them learn about your product or service.

How does a blog make money? ›

Ads monetization: Offer advertising on your blog to make money. As the publisher of a blog, advertising can provide a healthy revenue stream for your online content. Advertisers are willing to pay to gain exposure to your audience.

What is the most popular blog content? ›

Best types of blogs to create:
  • Food blogs.
  • Travel blogs.
  • Health and fitness blogs.
  • Lifestyle blogs.
  • Fashion and beauty blogs.
  • Photography blogs.
  • Personal blogs.
  • DIY craft blogs.

What is a blog example? ›

For example, a restauranteur could regularly blog about everything from their favorite farmers' markets, to amusing anecdotes, to the way they develop new recipes. A personal blog allows the reader to connect with the person behind the business, making them more likely to remember and patronize the restaurant.

Do bloggers make money? ›

Joining an ad network is one of the most common ways that bloggers make money. Basically, you just sign up with one — such as Google Adsense or Media.net — and then ads get displayed on your site. Those ads you see in the sidebars of most blogs? Yes, those are generally from ad networks.

What is a blog vs post? ›

A post is one instance of someone's writing. It can be a sentence, or a paragraph, or an article. It's not called a post until it appears in a public place, like Facebook for example. A blog is website run by one person or organization, where posts are collected.

What the heck is a blog? ›

A website that is updated regularly with articles, like a magazine.”

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.