What is an American Bully Xl: Everything You Need To Know (2024)

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Have you ever wondered what an American Bully XL is? This breed of dog has become increasingly popular over the past few years and for good reason.

An American Bully XL is a loyal companion that will fill your life with joy and potentially even give you a sense of belonging.

In this article, we’ll cover everything from its history to its temperament so that you can make an educated decision about whether or not it’s right for you.


  • What is an American XL Bully?
  • History and Origin Of the American Bully Xl
  • American XL Bully Temperament
  • Physical Attribute of the American Bully XL
  • Common Health Problems Associated With American Bully Xl
  • Xl American Bully’s Grooming Requirements
  • Exercise Needs of American Bully XL
  • Training Tips For American Bully Xls
  • Suitable Living Conditions
  • Cost To Own An American Bully Xl
  • Guide On Choosing the American Bully XL puppies
  • Finding A Reputable Breeder
  • Pros and Cons of Owning An American XL Bully as a Pet
    • Pros:
    • Cons:
  • FAQ
    • Are American Bully XL good family dogs?
    • How big are American XL bully dog breeds?
    • Is XL bully or pitbull bigger?
    • What are the 4 types of American Bully Breeds?
    • Is an XL bully dog a Pitbull?
    • Is American Bully Aggressive?
    • Do XL bullies have lock jaws?
  • Final Thoughts

What is an American XL Bully?

An American XL Bully is a large breed of dog that was developed through breeding various pit bull, Bulldog and Mastiff-type breeds.

They are a type of American Bully that is known for their impressive size and muscular build. American XL bullies are the largest among its other types(pocket, standard and classic).

XL Bullies are known for being loyal, affectionate, and protective of their families, but they can also be strong-willed and stubborn. Proper socialization and training are needed to ensure they are well-behaved and obedient pets.

History and Origin Of the American Bully Xl

To understand where this breed came from, we need to go back to over 100 years ago when the first pit bulls were bred by English immigrants in America.

These dogs were used for baiting bulls and bears as part of their sport called ‘Bull Baiting.’ While these initial dogs may not have looked like our modern-day bully XLs, they are still considered an ancestor.

In time, bull baiting was outlawed and people started breeding these dogs for companionship rather than aggression.

As a result, many new breeds emerged such as the Bulldog, Staffordshire Terrier and eventually today’s American Bully XL.

It wasn’t until 2004 that The United Kennel Club recognized The American Bully XL as an official breed which further fueled their popularity among pet owners looking for something different from other typical family pets.

Since then, careful selection has been done to produce larger versions of the original bullies in order to create the now popular XL and XXL bully sizes that we know today!

With its loyal nature and loving personality, this breed has become one of the most sought after companion animals around the world – all thanks to its unique origins!

American XL Bully Temperament

These dogs might be humungous and Intimidating by appearance but they have a big gentle heart. In short, you can call them the “Gentle Giants” of the Dog world

When it comes to strangers or unfamiliar environments, however, they can be quite protective towards their owners as well as somewhat wary of new people.

Despite this tendency, though, the American Bully XL remains a generally docile animal that wants nothing more than love and attention from those who care for them.

In addition to being loyal, these dogs are also highly intelligent which makes training relatively easy when consistent reinforcement is used. They may even surprise you with how quickly they learn commands!

American Bullies have a wide range of energy levels depending on individual characteristics; some prefer to lounge around for most of the day while others might require frequent exercise in order to remain healthy and happy.

The American Bully XL has been bred over many years with great care in order to produce an ideal companion animal.

What results is a dog that will stay by your side through thick and thin, providing unconditional love with no matter what life throws at them – making them perfect pets for any household looking for a loving friend!

Physical Attribute of the American Bully XL

What is an American Bully Xl: Everything You Need To Know (1)

Size: The XL Bully is significantly larger than the standard American Bully. Males typically weigh between 100 to 150 lbs or more, while females weigh between 80 to 130 lbs. They tend to be stocky and muscular in build.

When it comes to height Male tends to range between 20 to 23 inches while female’s height can range between 19 to 22 inches.

Head: The XL Bully has a large, broad head with a boxy muzzle. The head is one of the most distinctive features of the XL Bully. They have pronounced cheek muscles and a squared jawline.

Neck: The XL Bully has a thick, muscular neck that complements their large head and stocky body. The neck appears short due to its bulky build.

Chest: The XL Bully has a wide, deep chest to accommodate their large frame. They have a prominent breastbone and rounded rib cage.

Shoulders: The XL Bully has very muscular, rounded shoulders. Their shoulders are well-set back from their head and neck.

Back: The XL Bully has a slightly arched and short back. Their back is heavily muscled and may appear slightly sloped due to their stocky build.

Hindquarters: The XL Bully has thick, muscular hindquarters, especially muscular upper thighs. Their rear legs are well-proportioned and help propel their large body.

Tail: The XL Bully typically has a short, cropped tail, though some breeders prefer a long, tapered tail.

Coat: The XL Bully has a short, stiff coat that requires little grooming. Their coat can come in a variety of colors and patterns.

Overall: The XL Bully has an overall impression of a heavily-boned, muscular and substantial dog in a small, stocky package. They are bred to be impressive in size and stature while maintaining balance, symmetry and soundness.

Common Health Problems Associated With American Bully Xl

1. Allergies: American Bully XLs are prone to skin allergies, which can be caused by flea and tick bites, food allergies, or environmental allergens like dust and pollen.

2. Hip Dysplasia: This is an inherited condition where the hip joint fails to form correctly, resulting in pain and lameness.

3. Elbow Dysplasia: It is caused by the elbow joint failing to form correctly. This can lead to pain and stiffness in the joint.

4. Heart Disease: American Bully XLs are at risk of developing heart disease, including cardiomyopathy and other conditions.

5. Eye Conditions: American Bully XLs are prone to developing eye conditions, such as cataracts, glaucoma, and progressive retinal atrophy.

6. Heat Intolerance: American Bully XLs are sensitive to extreme heat, and can suffer from heat stroke if exposed to high temperatures for too long.

7. Bloat: Bloat is a life-threatening condition caused when the stomach becomes bloated with gas or fluid. It can cause the stomach to twist and requires immediate medical attention.

Xl American Bully’s Grooming Requirements

What is an American Bully Xl: Everything You Need To Know (2)

Credit-Royal Windsor Bullys

As you may have anticipated, owning an American Bully XL requires a certain amount of grooming.

While it is possible to do this yourself with the right supplies, enlisting the help of a professional groomer can be beneficial for both your pup and its coat.

First and foremost, regular brushing is essential to keeping your dog’s coat healthy and in good condition.

It should be done at least once or twice a week using either a firm bristle brush or a slicker brush depending on their coat type.

Additionally, if your pup has long fur then trimming around their eyes and ears will keep them looking neat and tidy.

Bathing time also needs to factor into your routine as well. This breed does need frequent bathing since they are known for drooling quite often; however, make sure not to overdo it because too much shampooing can dry out their skin.

Using lukewarm water along with a mild pet-safe shampoo will ensure that their coats remain soft and shiny between baths.

Finally, while teeth brushing isn’t necessary every single day like some other breeds require, weekly cleanings are recommended in order to prevent plaque build-up which could lead to dental disease later down the road.

Having regular nail trimmings is important as well so that they don’t become too long and cause discomfort when walking or running. All these steps combined will help keep your furry friend in tip-top shape!

Exercise Needs of American Bully XL

American Bully XLs are an active breed, requiring daily exercise to stay healthy. On average, they need at least one hour of intense activity every day and will benefit from more when possible.

To keep their minds sharp and ward off boredom-related destructive behavior, activities should be varied as much as possible.

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the best ways to provide your pup with plenty of physical and mental stimulation:

  • Take them for walks or runs
  • Play catch in the park or yard
  • Engage in agility training sessions
  • Participate in dog sports such as flyball or weight-pulling
  • Enjoy interactive games like hide-and-seek

All in all, ensuring that your American Bully XL gets enough exercise each day is essential for a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being. With consistent play time combined with plenty of love and attention, you’ll have a faithful companion by your side for years to come.

Nutrition & Feeding Guidelines

To ensure that your dog has a healthy diet, there are some guidelines you should follow:

  • Feed your puppy 3 meals per day until they reach 6 months old; then switch them over to 2 meals daily.
  • Use high-quality dog food specifically made for large breeds like the American Bully XL.
  • Monitor their food intake and adjust accordingly based on their activity level and growth rate.
  • Always have fresh water available at all times.

An appropriate nutritional program for an American Bully XL consists of a balanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients in order to maintain optimal health.

Proteins help build muscle mass while fats provide energy when needed. Carbohydrates supply quick energy and fiber helps with digestion as well as controlling weight gain. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in keeping bones strong, teeth clean, coats shiny and skin healthy.

It’s also important to remember not to overfeed or underfeed your pup – both can be dangerous!

Overfeeding puts too much strain on their digestive system leading to obesity which can lead to various health problems such as diabetes or heart disease down the road;

whereas underfeeding can cause malnutrition resulting in poor physical development. It’s best practice to measure out exact portions so you know exactly how much food they are getting each day.

When deciding what type of food is right for your pup make sure you read labels carefully – look for foods that contain real meat protein sources like chicken meal or beef meal instead of byproducts like corn gluten meal (which is usually found in cheaper brands).

Avoid any products containing artificial colors or preservatives as these ingredients aren’t necessary for proper nutrition but rather used solely for appearance purposes. With careful consideration given towards selecting the correct nutritional balance from start to finish, you can rest assured knowing that you’re providing your pup with everything he needs for optimal wellness throughout his life!

Training Tips For American Bully Xls

Training an American Bully XL can be a challenging task, but with the right strategies and techniques, it is possible to have a well-mannered pet in no time. As one of the most popular bully breeds, these dogs need special attention to ensure they are socialized properly and understand boundaries.

1. Start with Simple commands-

A good way to begin training your American Bully XL is by setting up basic commands such as “sit” and “stay”. Start off with simple tasks that require minimal effort from your pup, like sitting still for short periods of time or following you on leash walks around the neighborhood.

2. Praise them when they Listen to you-

When introducing new commands, make sure to give lots of positive reinforcement when your dog does something correctly—treats and verbal praise will go a long way!

3. Socialization is the Key-

In addition to teaching basic obedience skills, proper socialization is key for any American Bully XL. Take them out into public places like parks or pet stores so they can interact with other people and animals in a safe environment. This will help them learn how to behave appropriately and gain confidence in different situations. Make sure not to push their limits too far though; if they become uncomfortable or scared then take some steps back before continuing forward again.

4. Never punish them-

When disciplining your American Bully XL, always use positive reinforcement instead of punishment—this means rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior. For example, if they jump up while greeting someone offer them treats instead of scolding them harshly. By using this method you’ll foster better relationships between yourself and your pup while also helping them learn more quickly what types of behaviors are acceptable (and which aren’t).

5. Be Consistent-

Consistency is important when it comes to training your American Bully XL—make sure all family members know how to handle certain situations involving the pup in order for him/her to receive consistent instructions throughout the day. If everyone follows the same rules, then teaching your pooch should go much smoother overall! With patience, dedication and plenty of love, you can easily train an amazing companion who listens attentively and loves unconditionally – making both you and your pup happy!

Suitable Living Conditions

An American Bully XL is a moderate-energy breed that needs plenty of space to run and play. They require daily exercise in order to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. It’s important for an owner to have the proper living conditions for their pup—not just so they can thrive but also to prevent any unwanted behaviors from developing.

Living ConditionsBenefitsDrawbacks
Apartment– Low maintenance
– Easier supervision
– Limited outdoor time
– Restrictions on size/breed/noise level
– Potential fines for noise or damage caused by pet
House (with yard)– More room to roam
– Supervised outdoors activity
– Accessible potty training area
– High maintenance
– Potential destruction to property due to boredom or lack of stimulation

Cost To Own An American Bully Xl

The American Bully XL is a breed of dog that demands special care. Its needs can come with an associated cost, so it’s important to consider the financial implications before taking on such a pet.

So what will it take to own an American Bully XL?

Feeding- First and foremost, you’ll need sufficient funds for food. High-quality kibble should form the bulk of their diet, supplemented by occasional treats. This isn’t cheap – expect to spend around $50 per month on average.

It also pays to shop around for better deals or buy in bulk when possible. In addition, make sure your furry friend has access to plenty of fresh water at all times.

Vet cost- medical treatments are essential for keeping your pup healthy and happy throughout its lifetime. Vaccinations should be administered annually from 6 weeks old onwards and regular checkups followed up as recommended by your vet clinic.

Other common procedures include deworming and spaying/neutering if required; these are generally quite affordable but can add up over time depending on how many appointments you have booked in any given year.

Prices may vary based on where you live too, so do some research beforehand to get an idea of local costs.

Grooming- Even short-haired dogs require regular brushing and trimming due to the thick undercoat they possess which tends to accumulate dirt easily (especially during shedding season).

Keeping nails trimmed helps prevent scratches while bathing ensuring they stay clean and smell good – both services typically cost between $30-$60 depending on whether you go DIY or have a professional groomer handle it instead.

Toys– toys provide essential stimulation for this active breed – especially if kept indoors alone most days out of the week!

From chew bones and balls to interactive puzzles and treat dispensers, there’s something for every pup regardless of size or age group. On average, Toys can cost you $30 – $250 annually.

Guide On Choosing the American Bully XL puppies

Find a reputable breeder. The most important step is finding an ethical breeder that breeds healthy, well-socialized XL Bully puppies. Ask for references from previous buyers and check if the breeder does health testing.

Visit the breeder and meet the puppies. Visit the breeder’s facility in person to meet the puppies and see the conditions they are being kept in. The area should be clean, spacious and enriched. Meet the puppies to get a sense of their personalities and see how they interact with their littermates.

Check the appearance and conformation. Carefully examine each puppy for proper XL Bully features like a large, boxy head, wide chest, muscular build, and healthy coat. The puppies should appear alert, active and move freely without any signs of lameness or difficulty breathing.

Evaluate the puppy’s behavior and temperament. An ideal XL Bully puppy should be friendly, gentle and confident. Watch how the puppies react to sounds, sights and being held/petted by strangers. Puppies that seem aggressive, fearful or anxious may not be suitable. Choose a puppy with an outgoing, social temperament.

Review health records and certifications. Reputable breeders will provide you with detailed health records for both the puppy’s parents and the litter. Ask if the parents have been tested for common XL Bully health issues. Also, check if the puppy has received their first vaccinations and deworming treatment.

Consider the living situation and be prepared to commit. Make sure you can properly care for an XL Bully puppy before getting one. They require daily exercise, training, quality food, and medical care. Be prepared to commit the time and finances to raising this breed.

Negotiate the purchase and bring your new puppy home! Once you choose your puppy, discuss final pricing with the breeder and negotiate what is included with your new puppy like health records, food, toys, etc. When ready, you can schedule a pickup date to take your new XL Bully puppy home!

Finding A Reputable Breeder

Finding a reputable breeder for an American Bully XL is an important step in the process of bringing one home. It’s best to do your research and find reviews on potential breeders before you make any commitments. Here are some tips to help you find a responsible, trustworthy breeder:

Reputable Breeder QualitiesWarning Signs
Reliable contact informationPushy sales tactics
Fair pricesRefusal to provide health papers or documentation
Good track record from other pet ownersPuppies shown in overcrowded conditions

It’s wise to ask questions about the puppy’s parents’ health histories, their temperaments, and whether they have been tested for hereditary diseases.

If possible, try to meet the pup’s parents so that you can get an idea of how large he/she will be when fully grown.

Also inquire about what kind of diet the puppies eat and if there are any vaccinations required prior to adoption.

A good breeder should also offer socialization classes so that you can ensure your new dog gets all the training it needs.

When visiting a prospective breeder, watch out for warning signs like those listed above – these could indicate irresponsible breeding practices or unhealthy living conditions for the animals.

You don’t want to end up with a sickly pup or worse yet, one who hasn’t received proper socialization and whose behavior problems may be difficult to work through later on down the road.

At the end of your visit, take some time to reflect on everything you saw and heard during your tour – this will help inform your final decision as well as give you peace of mind knowing that you’ve done due diligence in finding a safe and healthy environment for your future companion!

Pros and Cons of Owning An American XL Bully as a Pet


• Impressive appearance. The XL Bully has a very impressive and intimidating appearance due to their large size and muscular build. They can make great guard dogs and deterrents against unwanted intruders.

• Typically gentle and friendly. Despite their intimidating size, the XL Bully is typically a gentle, friendly and social breed. They tend to be affectionate and loving towards their owners and families when properly bred and socialized.

• Low maintenance coat. The XL Bully has a short, stiff coat that requires little brushing or grooming. They only need occasional bathing and brushing to keep their coat clean and healthy.

• can live in apartments. Although large in size, the XL Bully can do well in apartments or homes(but should not be too small) if properly exercised. They are less active than many breeds of similar size.


• May be difficult to handle. Due to their large size and strength, the XL Bully can be difficult to physically handle and control, especially for inexperienced owners. Proper training and socialization from an early age are important.

• Can be expensive. High-quality XL Bullies from health-tested parents can be quite expensive, often costing $2,000-$5,000 or more. They also have high lifetime costs due to their size.

• May snore and drool. The XL Bully’s stocky build and short muzzle can lead to snoring, drooling, and flatulence in some individuals which can be undesirable for some owners.

• Higher health risks. The XL Bully may be prone to certain health issues such as cherry eye, hip and elbow dysplasia, respiratory problems, and heart disease. Reputable breeders will screen breeding stock for these issues to minimize risks.

• Require daily exercise. Despite their seeming laziness, the XL Bully still requires daily walks, exercise, and activity to stay happy and healthy. Lack of exercise can lead to restlessness, excess barking, and destructive behaviors.

• Short lifespan. The XL Bully typically has a shorter lifespan of 8-12 years which may be difficult for some owners. Proper diet, exercise, and veterinary care can help maximize lifespan.


Are American Bully XL good family dogs?

The American Bully XL can make a great family dog, but it depends on the individual dog’s temperament, socialization, and training. They are known to be loyal, affectionate, and protective of their families, but they can also be strong-willed and stubborn. It is important to socialize and train them properly from a young age to ensure they are well-behaved around children and other pets.

How big are American XL bully dog breeds?

American Bully XLs are typically between 20 and 23 inches tall at the shoulder and can weigh between 70 and 120 pounds. However, some may be smaller or larger depending on their genetics. check this article to know when will your Xl bully stop growing.

Is XL bully or pitbull bigger?

The XL Bully and Pitbull are both breeds of dogs that can vary in size depending on their genetics. However, XL Bullies are generally larger than Pitbulls, both in height and weight.

What are the 4 types of American Bully Breeds?

The four types of American Bullies are Standard, Classic, Pocket, and XL. These types differ in size, structure, and overall appearance.

Is an XL bully dog a Pitbull?

No, the XL Bully is a separate breed from the Pitbull. While they share some common ancestry, the XL Bully was developed by breeding various Bulldog and Mastiff-type breeds, while the Pitbull was developed primarily from the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Is American Bully Aggressive?

Like any breed, the American Bully can exhibit aggression if not properly socialized and trained. However, when properly socialized and trained, they can be friendly and affectionate towards people and other animals.

Do XL bullies have lock jaws?

No, the idea of a “lock jaw” in dogs is a myth. There is no anatomical basis for a dog to be able to “lock” its jaw in place. While dogs, including XL Bullies, can have a strong bite force, they do not have a special ability to “lock” their jaws in a way that makes them stronger or more dangerous.

Final Thoughts

The American Bully XL is a remarkable breed known for its impressive size, friendly temperament, and loyalty.

By understanding their history, physical characteristics, care needs, and dispelling common misconceptions, you can make an informed decision about owning an American Bully XL.

Whether you choose to buy from a reputable breeder or adopt from a rescue organization, providing a loving and nurturing environment for an American Bully XL can lead to a rewarding and fulfilling companionship.

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What is an American Bully Xl: Everything You Need To Know (2024)


What is an American Bully Xl: Everything You Need To Know? ›

The American XL Bully is a relatively new breed that has quickly gained popularity for its impressive stature and gentle temperament. Originating from the American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier
The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a dog breed recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC) and the American Dog Breeders Association (ADBA), but not the American Kennel Club (AKC). It is a medium-sized, short-haired dog, of a solid build, whose early ancestors came from England.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › American_Pit_Bull_Terrier
, the XL Bully is a larger and more muscular version of the American Bully.

What to know before getting a XL Bully? ›

Temperament of the XL Bully

Despite their size they have a nature that may surprise some people who make assumptions based on appearances. While they do have instincts naturally ingrained in them, they tend to approach strangers with curiosity, rather than aggression if they have been properly socialised and trained.

What do I need to do for my XL Bully? ›

It's against the law to keep an XL Bully dog without a Certificate of Exemption. If you think you have an XL Bully dog and you have not applied for a Certificate of Exemption, you should contact your local police force. Read more about banned dogs.

Are XL bullies aggressive? ›

In 2023 XL Bullies made up less than 1% of Britain's dog population and yet, according to Bully Watch UK, the dogs were responsible for 44% of dog attacks on people. They estimate the breed is 270 times more deadly than all other dog breeds combined. Their ancestry helps explain their aggression.

Is American Bully XL a good family dog? ›

With proper training and care, it can often be an excellent family dog.

Do XL Bullies turn on owners? ›

In several cases, XL bullies are known to have killed their owners, including Angeline Mahal, who was in her 50s, in May. Other people killed by XL bullies include 68-year-old Esther Martin, 54-year-old Ian Langley, 52-year-old Ian Price, 65-year-old Ann Dunn, 17-month-old Bella-Rae Birch and 10-year-old Jack Lis.

How do you discipline an XL Bully? ›

American Bullies respond exceptionally well to positive reinforcement. Rewarding good behavior reinforces the desired actions and encourages your dog to repeat them. Use treats, verbal praise, and affectionate gestures to acknowledge your Bully's accomplishments during training sessions.

What if I can't keep my XL bully? ›

If you do not want to keep your XL Bully Dog:

Since 31 December 2023, it is also illegal to rehome, sell or transfer ownership of XL Bully dogs. Rescue and rehoming centres should not rehome XL Bully dogs after this date. Rehoming centres can decide to: keep an XL Bully and apply for a Certificate of Exemption.

How do you potty train a XL bully? ›

9 Tips for Potty Training a Stubborn Dog
  1. Limit Your Dog's Home Access. ...
  2. Potty Training Pads May Work for Your Family. ...
  3. Devise a Feeding and Napping Schedule. ...
  4. Potty Break Immediately After Nap & Mealtime. ...
  5. Reward with a Tasty Treat. ...
  6. Crate Your Dog Until They Learn to Go in the Correct Spot. ...
  7. Stay Consistent.

What to do if an XL bully attacks you? ›

In the case of an attack, it is important to stay calm and stand your ground. “If a dog rushes towards you, turn your side or back to the dog and calmly step away or stand still,” Ms Pooley said. “If it jumps at you, fold your arms really tightly as it could hold onto any dangling arms.

Why are XL bullies suddenly attacking? ›

We do know the genetics around fighting dogs are more likely to be aggressive, with high-craze drive, they're more likely to chase after a squirrel, they've been bred for difficulty handling arousal. "They are more likely to be aggressive.

Is XL bully stronger than Pitbull? ›

How does an American XL bully bite compare to other dogs? The American XL bully has a bite force of around 305 PSI (pounds per square inch) - among some of the highest ranking for Bully dog breeds. According to Topdogtips, Pitbulls come close with a PSI bite force of 235.

Are XL bullies good around kids? ›

She said: "The majority of XL bullies are wonderful family pets but there is some very bad breeding that has slipped through with backyard breeders just breeding for rare colours and size, not temperament.

What is lifespan of American Bully XL? ›

American Bully
CoatShort, smooth and glossy
ColorAll colors
Litter size4–8
Life span8–13 years
2 more rows

How to tell an XL Bully? ›

If your dog meets the minimum height requirements (20in/51cm for adult male and 19in/48cm for adult female) and a substantial number of the physical characteristics then it could be considered an XL Bully type dog. If your dog does not meet the height requirements, then it will not be considered an XL Bully type.

Why would anyone want an XL Bully? ›

“Unfortunately, some of the people that own these dogs are owning them as a statement,” agrees London-based animal photographer Chris Knight, who has photographed bully XL dogs many times. “They want something that looks big and scary, because they're using it to intimidate people and to make themselves look tough.

Is American Bully XL good for first time owner? ›

Mr Fakhr says people who become dog owners for the first time should avoid getting an American bully XL. "This breed isn't the style of breed that you should get if you're a first-time owner," he said. "They're a big, strong breed. Every dog has the capability of aggression, they're an animal.

Are XL bullies high maintenance? ›

Another reason why American Bullies are favored by some parents is that this is a low-maintenance pet. Not only are they unfussy eaters, but their short coats don't need a huge amount of attention when it comes to grooming.

Are XL bullies easy to train? ›

You can begin training from your living room or garden, however, if you're struggling it's advised to reach out to a trainer for peace of mind. As for XL Bullies, they tend to be powerful, muscular dogs that need extensive socialisation and training. With proper handling, they can make wonderful companions.

Do XL bullies have health problems? ›

Health Concerns: The breed may face health issues like hip dysplasia, heart conditions, and allergies. Regular veterinary check-ups can help mitigate these concerns. Additionally, given the breed's unique needs and potential regulations, securing appropriate insurance for the American XL Bully in the UK is crucial.

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