Is a muscular, confident American Bully XL the right dog for you? (2024)


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Are you looking for a companion dog who is a fierce protector and loving and mellow? Not many dog breeds can fit this description. But we can tell you about a perfect four-legged fit — the American Bully XL.

It is one of four kinds of the American Bully breed.

These dogs are fierce-looking and muscular with a big, blocky head. They’re bred to look like armored tanks with distinctive no-nonsense faces. But inside, they are affectionate companions with excellent temperaments.

Despite being a new breed, dog lovers adore them and are fondly known as Bully Pit, American Bully Dog, or American Bully Pit.

We will tell you what you must know about the American Bully XL.

From its origins and diet to how to care for them and their common health problems.

Read on and see if the American XL Bully is the right breed for you.

Origin of the American Bully XL

The American Bully XL is one of four varieties of the American Bully breed — an extension of the American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier.

According to the United Kennel Club, the present-day American Bully breed is a hybrid influenced by the American Bulldog, English Bulldog, and Olde English Bulldogge.

Although the American Pit Bull Terrier’s ancestor has a rich history, dating back centuries, the XL American Bully is a young breed.

It dates back a few decades to the 1980s and 1990s when dedicated stock risers set out to engender the perfect family companion.

Early in the 21st century (2004), the American Bully Kennel Club was initiated and officially recognized as the American Bully breed. In 2013, the United Kennel Club officially recognized the American Bully pedigree.

As such, to get a pure breed that maintains the goals of the initial breeders, we recommend sticking to professionals who care about the qualities and bloodline of their American Bullies.

The size and shape of a dog’s tail give plenty of information about the breed. However, since the four are essentially the same breed, scrutinizing their sizes is the only way to set these bullies apart. Their size ranges are as follows:

  • The Pocket American Bullies are the smallest. They measure 14 to 17 inches in height.
  • The Standard American Bullies are medium-sized. They reach a height of 17 to 20 inches.
  • Classic American Bullies and Standard Bullies are the same height. However, the Classics are less bulky and have smaller frames. One can easily mistake them for Pitbulls.
  • The American Bully XL is larger than the previous three. Males can grow up to 20 to 23 inches, and females can reach 19 to 22 inches in height.

All variants have a squarish head, mean-looking chiseled face, large jaws, and strong, muscular bodies. When they are pups, it is difficult to tell the difference between the variants.

But once they cross the one-year mark, the difference in size becomes apparent. The Pocket, Standard, and Classic American Bullies can grow to about 66 to 88 pounds.

However, XL bully dogs grow to an astounding 80 and 150 pounds. You might have problems finding a suitable harness for this huge and powerful dog.

Other physical attributes unique to the American Bully XL include:

  • A broad skull and chiseled face with pronounced cheek muscles
  • A short or medium-length muzzle that doesn’t obstruct breathing or obstruct normal vision
  • Almond-shaped, brown, hazel, or amber eyes
  • A wrinkly face but with minimal lip looseness
  • The ears are often set high up on its head and could be cropped or left natural
  • Straight and sturdy forelegs holding up a barrel-shaped muscular chest
  • A short lustrous that comes in a variety of colors
  • The posture is often a slight slope from head to tail


Is a muscular, confident American Bully XL the right dog for you? (2)

The XL American Bully is a gentle giant. Since the initial breeders wanted family companions, gentleness is paramount! It is a must-have feature for all American Bullies.

Despite its ferocious looks, the American Bully XL is a kind, friendly, and affectionate dog. According to the United Kennel Club, aggression towards humans is uncharacteristic and undesirable.

They make great nannies, are patient with children, and often look out for them. They are also friendly, outgoing, confident, and calm. These giants are not skittish around strangers or other animals.

It doesn’t matter whether you live in the countryside or a city apartment or if you live solo or have a family, the American Bully XL is the perfect companion.

Training and intelligence

American Bully XL is intelligent, a trait they picked up from their ancestor — the Pitbull Terrier. They are also extremely loyal and eager to please.

This combination makes them highly trainable and a pure pleasure to work with. They will learn and master multiple commands within a short span.

Their intelligence goes a notch higher, and they can detect when the owner is in a potentially dangerous position and protect them.

The best types of training for the American Bully XL include:

  • Crate training
  • Obedience training, especially the recall command and the sit command
  • Socialization

Any dog can be dangerous, but large-size dogs pose a greater risk, so training and socializing the American Bully XL is critical.

From 2005 to 2019, dogs killed 521 Americans. Nearly 400 of these fatal attacks were attributed to pit bulls and rottweilers.

In the United Kingdom, an XL Bully or a Bully cross has been involved in high-profile attacks in the past year. The dogs fatally mauled a 17-month-old girl, an 83-year-old woman, and a 34-year-old dog walker. In September, the country announced plans to ban the dogs.

In the United States, the breed is subject to breed-specific bans and breed-specific legislation.

Is a muscular, confident American Bully XL the right dog for you? (3)Diet and general care

Due to their enormous size, feeding the American Bully XL is not for the faint-hearted. They should be fed on a high-protein, high-fat content diet. However, they can also develop obesity, allergies, and frequent gas. So keep the diet balanced, and stick to high-quality dog foods.

You can also feed American Pit Bull Terriers raw foods such as organic vegetables, fruits, organ meats, fish, pork, turkey, and eggs. Uncooked foods are excellent. They are often free of preservatives and taste enhancers and contain nutrition that helps to build the dog’s gut flora.

Such a heavy diet and well-built muscles can only mean that the American Bully XL requires plenty of exercise and enrichment activities to stay well.

But their short hair and lustrous coats mean that grooming is not as intensive as would be for other hairy breeds. So, make plans for outings, hikes, and playing with your four-legged buddy.

Use a dog blanket to protect your dog from cold and freezing weather. The blanket should be soft, big enough to cover your dog, and machine washable, so it’s easy to use. Leave the blanket out and let your Bully XL lay on it, or snuggle underneath it.


When well-fed, well-groomed, and properly vaccinated, an American Bully XL seldom has health issues.

But you should also maintain a rigorous exercise and activity regimen. Your dog can live for 8 to 12 years.

These gentle giants are prone to some health issues, such as:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Cleft palate/lip
  • Heart disease
  • Skin issues
  • Allergies
  • Hypothyroidism

Like all dogs, it is crucial to make regular vet visits, feed them properly, and provide opportunities for sufficient exercise and physical activities.

Energy levels and exercise needs

Is a muscular, confident American Bully XL the right dog for you? (4)

The American Bully XL is a powerful and athletic breed that requires regular exercise to maintain its physical and mental well-being. These dogs have high energy levels and need daily physical activity to prevent boredom, destructive behavior, and potential health issues.

On average, an adult American Bully XL needs at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity. This can include walks, runs, playing fetch, or other interactive games such as tug-of-war. These dogs are unsuitable for apartment living as they need ample space to run and play.

Take your American Bully XL for two long walks every day — one in the morning and one in the evening. A brisk walk for 20-30 minutes will help them burn off excess energy and keep them physically fit.

It’s also beneficial to occasionally take them on hikes or jogs to provide some variety in their exercise routine.

Aside from physical exercise, engaging your American Bully XL in mental stimulation activities such as training sessions or puzzle toys is essential. As intelligent dogs with a strong desire to please their owners, they thrive on learning new tasks and tricks while keeping their minds sharp.

It’s worth noting that due to their large size and muscular build, over-exercising can strain an American Bully XL’s joints, which may lead to potential health issues such as hip dysplasia. Hence, it’s crucial not to push your dog beyond its limits but instead gradually increase the intensity of their exercises over time.

Suppose you cannot provide adequate daily exercise for your American Bully XL due to work commitments or other reasons. In that case, it’s essential to enlist the help of a professional dog walker or dog daycare.

These dogs have high energy levels and need an outlet, so neglecting their exercise needs can result in frustration and behavioral problems.

The American Bully XL requires significant daily exercise to maintain its physical and mental well-being.

Providing ample opportunities to burn off excess energy will keep them physically fit and promote good behavior and overall happiness. Consider their exercise needs before deciding if this breed is right for you.

Socialization requirements

American Bully XLs have specific socialization needs to be met to maintain their well-rounded personality.

Socialization is essential for American Bully XLs as it helps them develop into well-behaved and adaptable dogs and reduces the risk of dog attacks.

It’s also crucial because of the dog’s size and strength. These dogs can weigh up to 100 pounds and stand at 20 inches tall.

Without proper socialization, they can become intimidating or exhibit aggressive behavior towards unfamiliar people or animals. Therefore, starting to socialize your American Bully XL early is essential.

Puppyhood is a critical time for socialization as this is when dogs are most receptive to new experiences and are developing their personalities.

Expose your puppy to various sounds, sights, smells, textures, and experiences during this time.

This will help them become accustomed to different stimuli and prevent them from developing fear or anxiety towards new things.

Introducing your American Bully XL puppy to other dogs is also crucial during this stage. They must learn how to interact with other dogs appropriately through playtime or obedience classes. It is essential not only for their physical development but also for mental stimulation.

As your American Bully XL grows older, regularly expose them to new situations and environments. Take them on walks in busy streets or parks where they can encounter different people and animals.

Bring them along on car rides or trips so they can get used to traveling by your side.

It’s also essential to introduce your adult American Bully XL properly when bringing home a new pet or welcoming guests into your house.

Supervise their interactions and make sure to reward positive behavior. This will help prevent any potential conflicts or aggression.

In addition to socializing with people and animals, training your American Bully XL in obedience is crucial.

This helps establish a bond between you and your dog and teaches them proper behavior in different situations.

Remember always to supervise interactions and reward positive behavior for a happy and harmonious relationship with your American Bully XL.

American Bully XL — the bottom line

The American Bully XL is a perfect large breed pick if you are looking for a tough-looking but affectionate companion. They are confident, trainable, and friendly.

These bully dogs can hang out with kids, and grooming is not hard — perfect for the city dweller.

However, their muscular bodies and enthusiasm mean they also like owners who can give them time and proper supervision.

Before you adopt an XL or XXL bully, be sure you have the time to engage in plenty of exercises and fun activities and provide lots of high-quality food.

Are you the ideal pet parent for an American Bully XL?

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Is a muscular, confident American Bully XL the right dog for you? (2024)


Do XL Bullies turn on owners? ›

In several cases, XL bullies are known to have killed their owners, including Angeline Mahal, who was in her 50s, in May. Other people killed by XL bullies include 68-year-old Esther Martin, 54-year-old Ian Langley, 52-year-old Ian Price, 65-year-old Ann Dunn, 17-month-old Bella-Rae Birch and 10-year-old Jack Lis.

Are XL bullies hard to train? ›

First-time owners should be prepared for the dedication needed to train and socialise an XL Bully properly. It's also advisable for new owners to seek guidance from experienced trainers or breeders to ensure they can meet the breed's needs.

How long should you walk an XL Bully? ›

A 20-minute walk is much more stimulating than letting your dog out in the yard for 20 minutes. A general rule of thumb is at least 30 minutes a day of exercise for adult dogs. Larger and more active breeds may require more exercise.

Are American Bullies XL aggressive? ›

The American Bully is typically not a pet for dog parks because of its power and potentially aggressive nature. It needs a securely fenced yard in which to exercise. This should be supplemented with leash walks and activities that engage both its body and mind, such as backyard games, obedience, and scent work.

Why are XL bullies suddenly attacking? ›

Over decades, the pit-bull terrier developed the ability to attack suddenly, and sustain grave injuries without retreating. This genetic history is present in the XL Bully. “These dogs, being bred for aggression, are likely to inherit aggression,” says David Sargan, a geneticist at Cambridge Veterinary School.

Why would anyone want an XL bully? ›

“Unfortunately, some of the people that own these dogs are owning them as a statement,” agrees London-based animal photographer Chris Knight, who has photographed bully XL dogs many times. “They want something that looks big and scary, because they're using it to intimidate people and to make themselves look tough.

Are XL bullies high maintenance? ›

With their short coat, American Bullies are relatively low-maintenance when it comes to grooming. Regular brushing is typically enough to keep their coat healthy and shiny, without the need for frequent baths.

How to calm down an XL bully? ›

With large breeds such as XL Bullies, positive reinforcement training will help your dog to feel calm in different situations, to know they can look to you for guidance, reassurance and fun, and give you the confidence that you can handle your dog in all environments you need to visit.

Do XL bullies have a lot of health issues? ›

Are there any health concerns associated with the American XL Bully? Yes, they may face issues like hip dysplasia, heart conditions, and allergies. Regular veterinary check-ups can help address these concerns.

What are the flaws of XL bullies? ›

Add into this the lack of care for temperament when breeding and you may well have a dog who is genetically predisposed to not cope well under stress, prone to fear-related issues, have a low threshold for aggression, and be physically incredibly powerful. This combination, in the wrong hands, is a dangerous dog.

What is the lifespan of an XL Bully? ›

With the average lifespan being around 10-12 years, the ban does not mean these dogs will suddenly disappear. “The government has determined the physical characteristics which will decide if a dog fits the 'breed type' of the XL Bully.

Are XL bullies being put down? ›

Four hundred XL bullies put down in England and Wales since dog banned. Figures show 400 XL bully dogs have been euthanised since the breed type was banned, as a neighbour of the woman killed by her dogs on Monday said they had warned their child the animals were dangerous.

Is XL Bully stronger than Pitbull? ›

How does an American XL bully bite compare to other dogs? The American XL bully has a bite force of around 305 PSI (pounds per square inch) - among some of the highest ranking for Bully dog breeds. According to Topdogtips, Pitbulls come close with a PSI bite force of 235.

Do American bullies like to cuddle? ›

Bullies are always looking for cuddles and love. They're super affectionate dogs and are often described as “velcro dogs” who are very attached to their humans. They want to be next to them all the time, and that's such a special bond to share with your dog!

What is the reputation of an XL Bully? ›

In America, this breed is described as a “gentle giant a welcoming and friendly companion dog full of vigour. This Bully dog is not afraid to socialise and meet new people. He is bred to be sociable”. “American Bullies are bred as family dogs since they adapt well to living with children.

What is the personality of the XL bully? ›

Despite misconceptions about the breed, the American XL Bully is affectionate and loyal. They interact well with children and other pets, especially when properly socialised from a young age.

Are bullies naturally aggressive? ›

Bull breeds aren't usually predisposed to be aggressive towards people but poor breeding can lead to increased nervousness around people or a lack of arousal control which is where their tendency to enjoy rough play could get out of hand.

Do American bullies get attached to their owners? ›

American bullies are very emotionally attuned to their owners and have a drive for obedience. You can use this to maximize their training experience, praising them heartily for good behaviors and varying your tone to keep things fresh and fun.

Why does my XL bully lick me? ›

Dogs often show affection by licking. It's an instinctive behaviour that's linked to the comfort they felt when their mother licked them as a puppy. Licking plays an important part of how they bond with others, causing them to release dopamine and endorphins that help make them feel relaxed, calm and happy.

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